Friday, December 01, 2006

Sleep the Great Healer

I could have just as easily called this post Lack of Sleep, the Great Disabler. I can fully understand why lack of sleep leads to depression, paranoia, disease and troubled relationships.

Nothing makes you appreciate a problem like walking a mile in someone else's shoes. My schedule at work has turned me into a monster. I rarely see my husband and seem to be always yelling at the children. I get home from work around 1 am. It takes me at least an hour to unwind and get a little bit sleepy. If my husband is snoring, it takes quite a while to get to sleep and I have often seen 3 am and 4 am on the clock. I must be up by 7 am to take care of the grand children.

I still have a house to clean, meals to cook, laundry to do and my web pages and this blog. You get the picture and it is not a pretty one.

Much as I would like to earn my living on the internet, not enough people react to the advertising on my pages, so off to the store I go. I have put in a request to work less hours or at least go home at 10 pm. That should take care of the lack of sleep problem. With the proper amount of sleep, I look forward to regaining my health and sanity. It takes 2 weeks for a request for shift change to process, so I am stuck with the hours for a while longer. The money will be great for Christmas.

On the rather bizarre side of this situation, I am gaining weight. Yes I know, it is vitally important to get sufficient sleep in order to take off weight. You would think that standing up for 6-8 hours every night would burn a lot of calories. However, I find myself eating when I get home at 1 am and then skipping breakfast.

I think the only thing saving me is the supplements I take every day. Well most every day, sometimes I am just to tired to think about them.

Bottom line, after Christmas I should be able to get more writing done. That means I will post to this blog so you will hear from me more often. I still have in mind to start a few more blogs on specific topics so we will see.

If you have time check out the new look for Answers For Your Health and all the sub sites.

until next time smile and try to get enough sleep.


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