Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Natural Treatments for Gout

I have been working on the Arthritis Help pages of my web site. Two new articles are posted. Check them out for information for yourself or a friend.

Natural Treatments for Gout

Since the basic cause of Gout is usually found in the diet, that is a good place to begin to prevent any further Gout symptoms and to get rid of a current gout problem.

Try adding vitamin B5 since a deficiency of pantothenic acid allows a build up of excess uric acid. Studies on animals have shown....


Reiter's Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

With over 100 forms of arthritis, it's no wonder that not too many people have ever heard of Reiter's Syndrome. Reiter's Syndrome is a form of arthritis that affects the spine and the sacroiliac joints. This condition causes swelling, redness, warmth, and pain in the affected areas of the joints.

One common symptom of this condition is discharge from the urethra. The urethra is the tube that is responsible for disposing waste from the bladder. Reiter's Syndrome often causes patient's to experience urinary frequency, eye infections, weight loss, and skin infections and rashes....


I need to get back to posting on pain management. I had a customer hand me a case of fireplace logs the other night and I can hardly move. Those things weight a ton and when you are not ready to hold up a big weight it can really put you out of commission. He may have been balanced but I was not. I was half turned around as he approached me from behind and said "here" and then let go. It was stupid but I tried to grab it before the case hit the floor and my foot.

Oh well, I can't stay in any one position for very long which is probably good because it is forcing me to do a variety of things besides sit at this computer. Cuts down on my research time but does keep me moving.

until next time smile


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