Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Pain Management on a Daily Basis

Although I am dealing with Pain Managment, today's post is to get you caught up on what is going on in my life. Last week I sat on jury duty. Talk Pain Management. Sitting for hours during the jury selection and then being picked at 5:30 in the afternoon. Suddenly I have to rearrange my schedule, find child care for the grand daughters and notify my work that I won't be there.

My back is hurting from sitting in those hard wooden chairs. Mostly the tension created by my attitude toward the day is causing my muscles to tense and therefore causing the back and neck pain.

The trial was about a felony assault with a deadly weapon. It was very short with only 3 witnesses and of those two were involved and two totally different stories. Deliberation took 6 hours as we had one person who just wanted so desperately to find him not guilty. She didn't believe in prison or punishment.

By the end of the second day, my head was pounding from all the shouting. I got home about 8:30 that night. Back to court at 8:30 the next day.

During the infrequent breaks (no breaks while we were deliberating) I used my EFT to try to regain my calm and easy my tense muscles. In the evening I took an extra B complex vitamin supplement. Those two things are always at the root of my Pain Management Plan.

On top of that, my daughter had to go out of town and child care issues were paramount. The computer repair is not complete as I have no sound. The seeming final blow was to discover that my web site back up had become corrupted and now I must rebuild the whole thing. We are talking over 400 pages. I have to rebuild it before I can publish new pages because of the navigation links. The only thing I can publish to right now is this blog.

At work, one of the managers called me in to counsel me on missing work. I pointed out that I had called in just as soon as possible after being selected. He back peddled quickly as it is rather illegal to punish anyone because they are serving jury duty.

My daughter is home with a good case of the flu. I am praying she does not pass it around the house. I have been giving her herbal teas to soothe her Pain Symptoms. Everybody else is getting extra doses of B complex and garlic.

I think I may have to talk about foot and toe pain next. The shoes I wore to court did a number on my feet.

Couple of links for you.
http://gethuman.com/us/ Check it out and save this database to find out how to get a human to answer your telephone calls


This is a nifty article on using aspartame to kill ants. Shows what it does to humans.

until next time smile

(c)copyright Answers For Your Health


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