Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Liver Disease and Family Rant

Visit to the doctor with my daughter and the unhappy information that her liver does not work exactly properly. As I understand it, the liver turns all food into alcohol...the higher the GI index the faster the process. My liver and your liver produce an enzyme that neutralizes the alcohol and continues to process the food and feed the body. For her, the enzyme is not produced and she has very early stage non-alcoholic Cirrhosis of the liver.

This means she must eat a low GI index diet. Her doctor told us to buy the book Sugar Busters And she must exercise 30 minutes a day. She must reduce her weight or suffer permanent liver damage.

She is doing very well and I am extremely proud of her. She has lost 10 pounds and is adjusting to no sugar and no white flour products. Cleaning out the cupboards has been very eye opening for me. I always knew that there was a lot of sugar in packaged foods, I just didn't realize how much. The hardest thing for her father and me is no more sweet tea. Hey this is Texas and sweet tea is a staple.

Now.... mother-in-law is still here---a month and counting. Count with me people, only 9 more days. We go to the grocery store. She knows what is going on. She insists on buying ice cream and other sweet things. She says she knows my husband loves that kind of thing. I tell her he is about 15 pounds over weight and doesn't need them. She buys them anyway. When we get home she bugs the heck out of my husband to eat them. She keeps telling him he doesn't eat enough and doesn't get enough sleep. In front of my daughter she tells him to eat them so my daughter won't cheat and eat them because she has no self control or she would not be fat. (One of the side effects of this lack of liver enzyme is an excess of fat storage.)

The last couple of week she has been ordering my daughter around. Not request but order in the same voice she uses on my 10 year old niece. She thinks my daughter and I are lazy because we do not wait on my husband hand and foot. He is embarrassed and is beginning to have a hard time holding his temper with her.

If I am on the computer she will need something to get me away from it. Mother-in-law needs a whole lot more attention than 2 small grand children. So please forgive me for not posting to my blog, getting new articles up on the web site and answering emails. Count with me people, only 9 days left.

I suggest you look for the Sugar Busters book. You can find it at Amazon and get a good price on a used version. The liver will regenerate itself but only if no permanent damage such as scar tissue is formed. Avoid liver disease and improve your general health and look forward to a long a busy life.

until next time smile
(c)copyright 2006 Answers For Your Health


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sharon,

I admire you for putting up with the MIL for so long! As for your daughter's liver, please remember
Shipibo Tea and Envirozon, and Metabazon to steady the cravings. After all, the whole Amazon Herb Company was founded on John Easterling's cured liver...

Good wishes, Ien in the Kootenays

5:59 PM  

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