Monday, August 28, 2006

Back Pain Management

Back Pain---it makes you walk hunched over and prevents you from bending. Getting into bed can be a major goal and getting out of bed can be a major accomplishment.

Back Pain Management is now the focus of your existence. Sometimes it doesn't matter if you are sitting, standing or prone in hurts and there is no comfortable position.

You feel angry at yourself for not doing those exercises that would strengthen your back before you hurt it ----again. You sit and feel sorry for yourself. You cry and wish you had not done that foolish thing that set off this round of pain. Maybe everyone else can do that simple thing but if you cannot do it at this time then don't.

After a few days you finally give in and go see the doctor and he gives you pills. You may opt to see a chiropractor for an adjustment to your spine or for mild electric charge treatment. This is all part of your Back Pain Management.

A few years ago I decided to move my piano. No one was around so I did it myself. Wrong. After a few days of not being able to walk up right or get in or out of bed by myself I went to see a chiropractor. He did the exam and then attached little pads to the small of my back. Then a mild electrical current zapped me. It did not hurt. Well maybe just a little at first.

That electrical jolt taught my back muscles to relax. They were in a permanent state of clench. The treatment only lasted about 15-20 minutes and I was able to walk upright without much pain for the next several hours. I did this every day for 2 weeks. Each day I could move longer and longer without pain.

My Back Pain Management plan includes not moving the piano by myself any more.

However, like most people, I work on improving those back muscles for a few weeks and then get side tracked and after a few days or weeks just stop. Then comes another episode of stupidity and more back pain and then I go back to exercising.

From an herbal standpoint, I did chamomile tea and took added B complex vitamins. The B is essential to repairing nerves. The chamomile calms you and that helps the muscles relax. There is also a very good tea by Celestial Seasonings called Tension Tamer. It contains among other things chamomile and lemon grass. A great tea to relax muscles.

Your Back Pain Management plan should include some good teas and above all prevention. If you are already hurting, have some one pick you up some tea and some B complex vitamins.

Another subject. My computer is down and will be going to the shop today. This posting is done on another computer in the house. This computer has none of the software I generally use so postings will be as I can. I cannot get to my email program so be patient on getting a reply to anything you send me.

If you have a specific area of pain, let me know. I am trying to hit the most common areas of pain complaints but I realize I may not get to yours soon enough.

until next time smile
(c)copyright Answers For Your Health Back Pain Management


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I read your article, and found it really helpful - I also recommend trying to keep your spine inline when you are in odd positions, like in a car for a long time. I got a great carseat from, and it has helped immensely. You should try it.

1:52 PM  

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