Monday, August 21, 2006

Pain Management and Dangerous Drugs

When you talk Pain Management you almost immediately think of drugs, either doctor given or over the counter. Too many people think there are no side effects from taking the over the counter pills such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Oh you may not become addicted like you would to morphine but you are slowly killing your liver. That drug advisory that tells you not to exceed the dosage is because they don't want your family to sue the drug company for killing you.

Pain Management is geared toward treating a symptom.

Your back hurts. You did the ice and then the heat and you took a couple of ibuprofen tablets. A few hours later your back is still hurting and you take more pills. Repeat for a few days. You finally go to the doctor who gives you a stronger version of the same ibuprofen and you double up on that to try and forget the pain. You end up in the ER with liver failure.

Let us be realistic here. Even a paper cut hurts for a few days. The more severe the injury, logic would tell you that the pain will last longer. Nothing hurts more than back pain, unless your back does not hurt but your tooth does, or your ear does or your foot does.

Pain hurts. Pain is the body's way of telling you that something is wrong. Stop doing what you are doing and fix the injury.

Pain Management should be a temporary thing, needed only until whatever is wrong is corrected. The management part is important. Don't over do on drugs. Don't expect immediate healing.

I deal with lower back pain on a regular basis. I try to follow the rules that would keep me from pain but my job and my young children keep me lifting heavy loads often from odd angles. I have the added problem of a birth defect in my lower back that lends itself to injury.

My Pain Management for my back involves watching how I lift. It involves more exercises to strengthen my back muscles. As I have aged and become more sedentary, those muscles have become like over stretched rubber bands and just don't do their job anymore.

Now that I have gone to work checking groceries which involves lifting cases of water and bags of dog food, I have really been feeling the back pain. I enjoy talking with people, but I don't enjoy lifting all that heavy stuff. My back on a good day just sends a twinge or two. On bad days I walk rather hunched over.

I drink relaxing teas and I walk every day. I have started exercising my back muscles using my bowflex. I use a heat wrap on my back when necessary. Mostly I think positive. I know my back will get stronger with time. I use EFT.

I have a link to an EFT article. Please take a moment to read the full article. There is an alternative to taking pills.

Increased Danger of Using Pain Medications Enhances Demand for New Drug-Free Pain Treatment: "San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) -- Pain medication was never intended to cure pain -- merely mask the pain symptoms. By conventional definition, pain is a physical signal that something is wrong in the body. According to EFT theory, pain is a signal that there is a block in the bodyÂ’s energy meridian system (Chi or Qi), or that there are unresolved emotional issues. When emotional pain is addressed, the energy meridian system balances, no longer stimulating in a physical pain response."

Sorry I have not been keeping this blog subject on Pain Management current. Between work and getting the youngest daughter moved to college, I just pooped out. I have much to say on the subject of Pain Management and I will get it said. I have started several pages on the Answers For Your Health web site but have not published them yet. I will let you know when that additional information is available.

until next time smile
(c)copyright Answers For Your Health


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