Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Arthritis Joint Pain could be from Magnesium

I was reading an interesting article on Joint Pain and Magnesium. It would appear that the increase of calcium fortified foods is throwing our bodies into an imbalance that could be causing joint pain as well as a number of other ailments.

You need the combination of Calcium and Magnesium for the calcium to strenthen your bones. With everything now containing extra calcium but your daily vitamin only containing a minimum amount of Magnesium, you are forcing your body to store some of the calcium in the joints and that mineral build up causes pain.

You can get Magnesium in pill form but most of the supplements do not have the proper formula for the body to absorb the magnesium. Best bet is to eat some foods that are high in Magnesium. As you can imagine the best sources are the healthy ones.

At the top of the list is 100% Bran Cereal, no sugar. A 1/2 cup of bran cereal has 128 mg of Magnesium. Oat bran (96) and shredded wheat (54) complete the cereal range. Everyone already knows that brown rice (84) is so much better for you than the empty white rice and now you have another reason to eat it.

So if you can't handle eating an ounce of almonds (81) and you are out of bananas (34) then do take a supplement.

On the home front, it feels like I am living in a soap opera. The oldest daughter is home with the 4 grand children. Her job that was a done deal went sour. Someone with more experience got the job. Now it is rethink what will be happening when school starts again which is only a couple of weeks away.

I will continue to baby sit for the 2 year old full time. I will have the 4 year old on Tuesdays and Thursdays and after pre school on the other 3 days. I will also continue to work at my new job as a checker at a grocery store. That will be 6 to midnight 5+ nights a week. In my spare time I will do the house chores and the yard chores and the cooking and laundry and this blog.

Perhaps now that things are getting back to NORMAL? I can get back on some schedule that allows me time to write. I have the beginnings of a site on Pilates and the whole home gym thing. I am also just in the thinking stage of a site about self hypnosis and EFT.

I still need to set up a web site with some good paying advertisments on it. That is income for me and information for you.

until next time -- smile
(c) copyright Answers For Your Health


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