Sunday, October 01, 2006

Why do we get a belly bulge?

I received a question the other day about belly fat. Why do men develop a belly bulge when they get older?


Ok not to scientific but really true. There are other contributing factors such as lack of exercise and too much sugar and animal fat in their diets.

Let us face the facts of growing older such as shrinkage. Your income shrinks, and your body shrinks. That would be retirement and bone mass loss. I know mostly all the advertising is directed at women but the gentlemen shrink also.

First the exercise. Exercise keeps bones healthy. You are exercising to keep weight under control and keep the muscle mass in shape. You don't want flappy arms and saggy butt. Without the exercise to stress the muscles which in turn stress the bones which is what keeps the bones strong --- you shrink.

When the back bone shrinks, the body begins to protrude in the front, just like bending a straw.

Can this unflattering condition be reversed? Can you exercise? Can you improve your diet?

until next time smile
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