Thursday, October 12, 2006

Aloe Vera

To me the Aloe Vera is a symbol of new life from the old. It is a promise that age and bad conditions do not have to kill but rather can just make stronger.

It is an affirmation that when times are good, the good should be used to grow stronger knowing that there will follow a time of want and need.

The Aloe Vera grows bigger each time it is used. I know that sharing and giving is the best way to increase my own self. No matter the season or condition of the plant, it still shares its healing self whenever it is needed.

Is Aloe Vera the perfect plant? It contains over 75 known active ingredients, (probably many more), 19 of the 20 amino acids required by the human body and 7 of the 8 essential amino acids that the body can't produce itself.

Read the complete article on the web site. Aloe Vera is New Life

I am in the process of remaking the site. After the crash, I discovered that many of my pages were corrupt and not showing up when someone tried to click on a link.

So far I have redone the Arthritis section and it is now under Arthritis Help

and moved the Diet and Supplements information to what else Diet and Supplements

I would most sincerely be grateful if you would take a look at the new sub sites and click on a few pages. Let me know if you find any dead links. After so many hours I begin to miss some small details or just get in a rush.

This is taking a lot longer to do than I thought it would, probably because I am doing it the hard way. If I knew a faster way believe me I would do that. I am going to take a few shortcuts as a temporary measure just to be able to get to my home page to do some changes.

I will also be setting up some new blogs that go with each new sub site. But that is a chore for another day.

until next time smile


(c)copyright Answers For Your Health/Diet and Supplements


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