Monday, May 02, 2005

We buried Yvonne today

Yvonne was a good friend. She never seemed to mind when the kids pulled her hair. She was always quite content to just lie beside you and be petted. She was rarely demanding but was a finicky eater. The only table scrap she would eat was steak or chicken.

At 10:00 at night she would come to my desk and just sit and look at me clearly stating – “enough – come to bed”. As she grew older, she began to sleep more and more. I have missed her these last few months giving me my go to bed look.

Her favorite place to sleep was with her head in my husband’s shoe. She would use my shoe if none of his were out. We would all laugh and say she had a shoe fetish.

She would lie on my chest at night when we went to bed, purring and making bread. She would only stay a few minutes and then went to find my husband’s shoe.

She was 4 years old when we brought her home from the animal shelter and she had to adapt to dogs and children. She spent the first 2 weeks hiding under the bed.

Yvonne had long silky hair - grey and white. She shed something awful. She was allergic to flea bites and so had to live in the house. She got out occasionally and would sit in the yard surveying her kingdom.

She never backed down from our 2 German Shepherds. She would always just look at them and not move a muscle. They left her alone other than a sniff and maybe a kiss. She was the only cat they would allow in “their” yard.

She never jumped on the table or the kitchen counter. She hated having a dirty litter box and would go in the bathtub if the litter box was dirty.

We had her for almost 10 years. Three months ago she started on the down hill slide with cancer. Today her kidneys failed and we had no choices or time left.

She is buried in the back yard with our beloved dogs Coco and Charmin. A statue of St. Francis stands in the center of this small grave yard. My husband buried her favorite shoe with her.


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