Wednesday, April 06, 2005

In Defense of Virginity

key words "sexually transmitted diseases"

I received this in my email today. I felt it was information that needed to be shared. I may not agree with everything that is written but I do defend your right to decide for yourself.



The Federal Government has spent billions of our taxes since 1970 to promote contraceptives and “safe sex” among our teenagers. Isn’t it time we asked, What have we gotten for our money?

These are the facts:

The Federal Center for Disease Control estimate that there are now over 1 million known cases of HIV infections nationwide.

1 in 100 students coming to the University of Texas health center now carries the deadly HIV virus.

The rate of heterosexual HIV transmission has increased steadily since Sept. 1989.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) infect approximately 3 million teenagers annually.

63% of all STD cases occur among persons less than 25 years of age.

1 million new cases of pelvic inflammatory disease occur annually.

1.3 million new cases of gonorrhea occur annually, strains of gonorrhea have developed that are resistant to penicillin.

Syphilis is at a 40 year high, with 134,000 new infections per year.

500,000 new cases of herpes occur annually, it is estimated that 16.4% of the U.S. population ages 15-74 is infected, totaling more than 25 million Americans - among certain age groups the infection rate is as high as 60%.

4 million cases of chlamydeous occur annually, 10-30% of 15-19 year olds are infected.

There are now 24 million cases of human, papilloma virus (HPV), with a higher prevalence among teens.

To date (1990), there are over 20 different and dangerous sexually transmitted diseases that are rampant among the young. Add to that the problems associated with promiscuous behavior: infertility, abortion and infected newborns. The cost of this epidemic is staggering both in human suffering and in expense to society: yet epidemiologist tell us we’ve only seen the beginning.

Incredibly, the safe-sex gurus and condom promoters who got us into this mess are still determining our policy regarding adolescent sexuality. Their ideas have failed, and it is time to rethink their bankrupt policies.

please read the rest of the article at Answers For Your


Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:47 PM  

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