Thursday, March 03, 2005

Faith Healings

I don't know how you feel about faith healing. I think it is great. However I know some people that were not cured by faith. Some came to their end with guilt along with pain.

To be dying and to be told that your faith is just not strong enough or you would be cured is wrong. We are all going to die some day. That some have been cured by faith is a wonderful thing.

Perhaps it is just a little tickle in the back of the brain that claims faith healing is not possible for that particular individual.

You can believe with all your heart in God and His power to heal and at the same time you can feel unworthy of that healing. If you decline to be healed, no method or drug will make a difference.

I found this news article most interesting. Hope you enjoy it as well. - Health - People Say They Were Cured by Faith Healings - Health - People Say They Were Cured by Faith Healings


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