Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Part 3 Fasting for Your Home

Part 3 If fasting is a way to clean up your Body, then put your home environment on a fast too!

Cleaning the house, now there is a good way to introduce toxins into the home.
Most cleaning products on the grocery shelf are more toxic (in a different way) than the dirt and germs they are cleaning.

Cleaning the carpet can be more harmful to your body than the dirt and spots ever were. Your eyes see clean, but your lungs and skin say ouch.

Flea medications on Rover and Kitty rub off on the furniture and then you.

I put a well known brand of flea killer on my cat. Poor cat was sick for days with a huge red welt where the flea killer was put on her skin. She wouldn’t eat and was just listless for day. It did kill the fleas but they were back in time. She gets to go outside during nice weather and eat the grass. Now I just rely on herbs and a good non toxic soap for bathing to keep her flea free. She hates the bath.

I must also mention that I got some of the flea killer liquid on my fingers. They blistered and I had a headache for days. I react very strongly to any bug killer. About 20 years ago, I sprayed my peach trees for bores. Young and stupid, I did not have on shoes. Everything else on my body was covered. I almost ended up in the hospital and the drugs they put me on were almost as bad. Symptoms, you could fry an egg on the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet. I could not walk for a week. The instructions for the medications I was given included drinking about 8 glasses of water a day. Hmm what did the most good – the steroids or the water?

Ok, what does all this have to do with fasting? The one day weekly fast encourages the body to give up the stored toxins. The body is going to try to quarantine all those toxins every day.

Try as we might, most people do not come close to drinking the amount of plain water needed to wash the daily toxin intake – out. I know better, but coffee is on my must have list. I don’t drink it after 10 am but it is a whole pot. The rest of my day and evening is tea. I make my coffee and tea with distilled water. Most days – not all, I fill a 16 oz bottle with water and sit it on my desk. By the end of the day, I have finished it. I can’t change my environment that much, but I can fight back.

I take Milk Thistle on a daily basis. When I fast, I double the amount I take. Why? Milk Thistle is primary in the support of the Liver, which has to filter everything you put in your body. During a fast, remember you are releasing stored toxins and the liver must deal with them. You can only stretch a rubber band just so far and it will snap. You can only stress your liver just so much and you then you will cause damage.


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