Friday, January 28, 2005

Natural Health from AFYH

Let's Talk About FASTING

Today, fasting is growing in popularity as a means to lose weight. Done correctly, it is indeed a good means to that goal.

Fasting might better be looked at as a means to good health which in turn automatically leads to a proper weight for your height and frame.

Fasting is as old as man. The Bible has numerous references to fasting. More modern man has Edgar Cayce and Jethro Kloss as natural healers who often recommend fasting.

In the writings from these two gentlemen are many cases of "cured" diseases after a fasting period.

Is it not a body imbalance that causes all disease and ageing?

Today we say our food has no nutritional value because of depleted soils. Our food is tampered with genetically. It is overcooked, frozen and freeze dried. One could conclude that the current food situation is to blame for all our ills.

Step back please. If the problem were only now, why all the references back thru thousands of years for fasting and proper diet?

Mankind and womankind seems to always want quick and easy. If no one bought cookies and candy and colas, no manufacturer would create and put those things on store shelves.

If refrigeration and frozen prepared foods had been available a thousand years ago - people would have purchased them.

We excuse our eating habits because

We are too busy to fix proper meals.
We can't grow our own vegetables and fruits
Organically grown food is more expensive
It doesn't taste good
One fast food meal won't hurt

So I give you an easy answer - fasting one day a week. Only problem is, one day a week cannot undo years of abuse.

All diets that are restricted to certain foods are, in essence, a type of fast.

Edgar Cayce's apple fast was designed to rid the body of toxins stored from chemical abuse - smoking - drugs - alcohol. It is a 3 day fast with specific steps.

Jethro Kloss points out that a day of fasting followed by a night of feasting is totally wrong and does damage.

I know people who consider anything liquid as OK for a fast, such as milkshakes.If that were true, a coffee fast would be beneficial - since I occasionally go on an unintentional coffee fast - deadline due and no time to eat - I can assure you that your body will bitterly complain from nerves to joints about such treatment.

Trying to fast without sufficient rest is even more detrimental than our usual short changing ourselves with too little sleep. It is a fact people - you can't lose weight if you are not getting enough deep sleep. Fasting can make you feel weak. Don't push it. Rest if that is what your body is asking for.

Perhaps we should call all the fad diets "a fast". That would help to explain the weight loss that is involved. Granted most of the weight loss from these "fasts" is due to fluid loss. Good in a way if the fluid is taking toxins with it. Just remember that any diet that restricts calorie intake will burn muscle cells as well as fat cells and since muscle weighs more than fat, you might just be losing healthy muscle instead of unhealthy fat.

However, the human body is mostly fluid, so unless you want some brain damage you better be taking in fluid. Man can fast for 40 days but, 7 days without water (fluid) and you will die.

All fasts require a large amount of water. Not milkshakes, not coffee, not diet cola but pure clean water. In fact, distilled water is the fluid of choice. Yes, distilled water has no minerals but it also has nothing else that adds toxins to your body.

During a fast you would continue to take your vitamin and mineral supplement every day. You won't absorb as much because there will be no food in your stomach.

If you have never fasted before and you are over weight, you will find fasting hurts. Your whole body will ache from a headache to toe cramps.

You have a lifetime of toxins to remove from your body. Before those toxins are eliminated from your body by urine, sweat or bowel movement, they will be circulated in your bloodstream. Drinking lots of water is what flushes them out of your body. Otherwise, they will simply be tucked away in your fat storage cells to keep them from harming your body.

Try a little bit of a different approach. You take in toxins - breath them, eat them, and walk on them. Your body is intelligent and it says -"yuck". What to do with them? Well the simple way is to quarantine them in fat cells. Wait, there is not enough fat cells - no problem, there is plenty to work with, we will just create more fat cells.

You might say "thank you" to your fat cells for protecting your vital organs from toxins.

Part Two - coming up



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