Friday, March 11, 2005

I told you MILK was BAD for you!

It is so nice to have some one else confirm my words.

Now, if you love milk, you may not want to read this. Not only will this article reveal why cow's milk is not compatable with humans, but it will point up the very possible horrible results of a life time of milk drinking.

Dr. Kradjian addresses cow's milk

Soy milk suits me just fine for my coffee and cereal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sharon,

Milk is good food for some people,
not for all.
In order to be good food milk has to be non-homogenized, and ideally
raw and organic and grass-fed.

If you can find that you are most
likely an organic farmer of homesteader yourself.

I had access to such milk last summer. Milk generally does not
agree with me, but I actually drank a glass of this wonderful
stuff with no ill effect!

Most of it got turned into yogurt,
a few gallons were just left outside in the warm shade, and they
actually clabbered. Not spoilt, just turned into curds and whey!

As for Soy, the Weston A Price foundation is to soy what Robert
Cohen's notmilk site is to dairy.

I did a little informal survey on the topic of soy in some of my groups.

People's reaction varied widely.
One woman cures her menopausal
miseries with soy milk, other people say it makes them violently

As always, the answer is simple:
listen to YOUR body!

7:16 PM  

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