Saturday, April 30, 2005

Indecision is a disease

Like a pebble in your shoe your mind keeps bringing up another “thing” that needs attention. It is the moments before you start a task that are the indecision times.

One way to conquer indecision is by making a list. I personally have a list with over 20 items on it. There is no way I can accomplish all 20 items in a day or a week. But I can do some of them. I love drawing that line thru a completed task.

Do you have a list of things that need to be done? Do you have a list or is all the information sitting in your brain, each item nudging each other for space and attention.

Did you make a list and then ignore it in favor of doing the more familiar things or something that jumped up and demanded attention now.

There is an old saying – I could become a better person any day I choose, but what day shall I choose.

Like every disease, indecision can be cured by discovering the cause.

Also, like every disease, we find comfort in treating the symptoms. Just like taking a pill for a headache is treating the symptom and brings temporary relief, that pill does not address the cause which may be a need for glasses or better reading light or more sleep or less alcohol and certainly less stress.

I believe that indecision is caused by feeling overwhelmed by all the things that need attention. Throw in a little guilt for not having already taken care of those issues and a little self-pity for never having time to just do nothing. Now add the stress of losing out on the good things in life because small tasks were not done. Put in a few tablespoons of fear about your own abilities and a cup of criticism from the people around you and your indecision crock pot is cooking.

Making a to-do-list is a fine way to treat the symptom.

My list is always there on my desk competing for attention with all the daily interruptions. Wait, if all the daily interruptions are always there and always from the same source then those things are part of my day and are not interruptions. Interruptions are unexpected happenings.

A good friend told me I needed to get a set of blinders. Blinders were strapped to a horse’s head to keep him from being distracted by what was going on around him.

I planned to work on this article. I got up early, as is my custom, and went to the kitchen to make coffee. The counter was littered with dishes that the members of my family left last night. They were too busy? tired? lazy? to empty the dishwasher and put in their dirty dishes and glasses. (Note – add to list of things to do – create a sense of importance in family to help keep kitchen neat.)

Blinders – I ignore the dirty kitchen and make my coffee. I sit down at my computer and start to type. I get up for a second cup of coffee and the kitchen screams at me. (guilt – I am a stay at home mom – it is my responsibility to keep the house neat and clean) I know it will only take me 10 minutes to clean it up. Blinders back in place. If I stop working on this article to clean the kitchen, chances are I will not finish the article and get it posted. Others in the house will wake up and start the daily demands on my time and attention.

My mind is whirling with the things that should be done today and none of those things are on my list.

Blinders back in place. Indecision stills lives and reigns in my mind but I have overcome that indecision at least for now. Perhaps today is the day I shall become the better person I know I can be.

Clean the distracting pebbles from your shoes. Just stop a moment and clean out the shoes then put them back on and continue to your destination.

Have a great day and smile.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sharon, you need FlyLady!
Everybody needs FlyLady, lol.
But some of us need her more than others.
I finally broke down and got myself
the duster and the timer.
Love both.
The FlyLady phenomenon was created
totally by word of mouth and mouse.
It is a brilliant example of the
power of consumer-to-consumer marketing!
Very slowly I am actually developing good habits. That only
took 60 years.

One of my fave moments in my Amazon career was the woman who loved the products, could unfortunately not afford them right now, but thanked me anyway for changing her life profoundly.
I had told her about FlyLady.

Go visit, sign up. It is free and may change your life.

4:58 PM  

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