Monday, April 18, 2005

Powdered Green Food Drinks

Expensive Powder vs Natural Foods

I get dozens of paper newsletters on health. Some I pay for and some I don't. As you can image, the ones I don't pay for are just glorified ads.

Just now reading one with a green food ad. Now the major objection most people have with a green food powder you mix with water or juice is that no matter what you mix it with - it just tastes awful. This ad says their product tastes good and they even have 3 testimonials that say it tastes good.

Taking this product would

  1. Shed body fat
  2. Increase strength and stamina
  3. Prevent or recover from illness
  4. Regain maximum energy
  5. Look and feel younger
  6. Lower Cholestrol
  7. Reflief from heartburn
  8. Reverse effects of aging
  9. Eliminate aches and pains

Shoot, I want this product. It sounds like the silver bullet I have been looking for. It has 37 ingredients and only costs $49.95 plus $6.95 for shipping for each 30 day canister.

On the other hand, Fear Factor should use a green drink as one of its challenges. I have tried and just can't drink the stuff. And contrary to all the promises, I have yet to get any money back.

OK, lets look at those 37 ingredients.

Cracked cell chlorilla, organic barley grass juice powder, spirulina powder, nova scotta dulse, cacus powder, lecithin powder, apple pectin, apple fiber, red raspberry, powder, acerola berry juice powder, flax seed meal, aloe vera juice powder, beet juice powder, watercress juice powder, yucca powder, parsley juice powder, ginger powder, spinach powder, vitamin c, rose hips, bioflavanoids, vitamin e, royal jelly, licorice root powder, horsetail, suma, siberian ginsing, damiana, silymarin, astragalus membranaceous, echinacia, gingo biloba, green tea catechins, grapeseed extract, stevia, enzymes, carrot calcium.

Wow - that is a lot of good stuff.

Do you like instant mashed potatoes? A lot of people say they can't tell the difference. Most people would agree that the instant (dried potatoe powder) just doesn't have the nutrients that a real potatoe has.

Apples are important to health - so eat an apple not apple powder. Why powdered red raspberries - why not fresh blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and yes raspberries?

My training tells me that licorice root in any form should not be taken for more than 6 weeks at a time. It has a tendency to raise blood pressure. Stop taking it for 30 days and then go back.

Get your green tea catechins by drinking green tea.

As we age our bodies slow down on the production of enzymes. Most people benefit from taking a supplement and if you have had your gall baldder removed they are absolutely necessary.

A good vitamin/herbal combination vitamin will give you most of what is on that list.

Personally, I will stick with my Aquazon from Amazon Herbs. I get a high quality product for $21.00 a bottle. Green drink in a capsule.

Yes the green food drink sounds like the silver bullet. It is easy.

Lets face it - the silver bullet is just proper eating habits. Too much of anything and we throw the pH balance off and we get fat and sick. You can have your cake and eat it too. You can have your meat. All you need to do is learn about acidic and alkaline. Meat is acidic - balance it with 2 serving of vegetables and 1 fruit. Cake is sugar and sugar is acidic. Balance it with a lovely salad including some fresh raw vegetables like carrots and green bell pepper.

By the way, did you know that sugar causes the body to rob calcium from the Nerves first then bones. Now you know why the kids bounce off the walls when they have candy and cokes.

Now the ad for the silver bullet tonic for liver and kidney health, yep I want that one too. Tell you about that next time.

Here is a smile for you. Please pass it on to the next person you see.



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