Saturday, May 07, 2005

Virus Protection

This week I was down with a virus – so was my computer.

Down time is the perfect time to re-evaluate your priorities. I consider
health to be a top priority but obviously I had let my body get weak or
I would not have succumbed to the virus. I have now shifted my health
to the top priority spot.

My being sick with a virus was a hardship on my family.There was no one else to watch the grandchildren, so they suffered by not having any fun while I lay on the couch telling them watching TV was fun.

So my health is #1 so that I can continue to take care of my family. Besides
being sick is ucky!

The computer virus I believe I got from someone I know and correspond with on a regular basis. What I did not notice was that the email was from her old address. I have now received that email over a dozen times and a variation of the email 2 or 3 times a day.

The cost to get the computer back up and running - $120.00. I don’t know about you, but that is a chunk of money for me. Somewhere someone is laughing at his or her destructive power. All that ability put to such a sad use.

Worse still,in my opinion,are all the companies on the internet that are selling
anti-virus programs that are actually virus programs. Once installed they see your key strokes and know your on-line banking and credit card information.

They now have access to your address book and can infect thousands more

You must have a good anti-virus program.

For your body that program is quality food and exercise and quality supplements. For your computer – Norton runs my firewall and virus program but I also have spybot and ad-aware and no-adware and spy sweeper. All are free. I now have a new one – Hijacker. Also free and it was the one that found the virus.

I am lucky – there was no major damage to me or my computer. All the background systems are in place. Lucky or smart? I know the dangers and I have taken steps to insure the quality of my life. Remember, the precautions you take today will prevent the potential damages of tomorrow.

Viruses are out there. They are the price of inter-action with your community, on-line or off-line. You go to the store and breathe the air. You open email from someone you know. Did any of these people deliberately give you a virus? No, they are just living their lives as best they can.

Since you are responsible for your own life, you must take the necessary steps
to insure the quality of your own life. In doing that you help to insure the
quality of life for your family and friends.

Just a side note – I have been working with EFT for the last several weeks.
The last time my computer got a virus, I was angry and panicky. This time –
I just stayed calm without any effort and waited for the computer Nerdz (my favorite company)to show up and fix it. I used the down time to do other things. Neither attitude changed the time or money it took to repair the computer but being calm kept my perspective and I didn’t yell at anyone.

Smile - give the world a beautiful view.



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