Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Christmas is a celebration of Life

Christmas is a time of joy for most people. Families sharing memories while decorating the tree. Remembering old friends and fun times. Remembering your own favorite Christmas as a child and that special present.

Christmas is special church services and school programs. Christmas is people smiling at strangers and wishing them a Merry Christmas or even the politically correct Happy Holidays.

For someone I know this Christmas will be the saddest ever. Yesterday one of the cashiers at our store was killed in a car accident on her way to work. She was only 19. She was a lovely child, always smiling and friendly. She actually looked at people. She had plans and dreams. My heart breaks for her parents.

Leo Buscaglia said The time of life is limited why not live it in joy. Take every opportunity at this time of year and every other single day to share your love. Do not face a day when someone is no longer around to give a hug or kiss and you regret not having shared the most basic expression of caring-- a hug and simple words of love.

Merry Christmas and a warm hug to you.
(c)Answers For Your Health


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