Friday, April 07, 2006

Your Brain May Be Aging Faster Than Your Skin

Came across an ugly feeling article today, so I decided to start with a joke. I want you to laugh before you decide to feel depressed. Read the article with a grain of salt. It may apply and it may explain why we all feel that Alzheimer's is gaining on us. Mostly I think we are beginning to believe all the advertising.


After four years of separation, my wife and I finally divorced
amicably. I wanted to date again, but I had no idea of how to
start, so I decided to look in the personals column of the local
newspaper. After reading through all
the listings, I circled three that seemed possible in terms of age
and interest, but I put off calling them.

Two days later, there was a message on my answering machine
from my ex-wife. "I came over to your house to borrow some
tools today and saw the ads you circled in the paper. Don't call
the one in the second column. That's me."
Ok here is the article. Check it out and then look at my recommendations.

Brain ageing 'slowing baby boomers' - Breaking News - National - Breaking News
Professor Perminder Sachdev, a University of New South Wales (UNSW) neuropsychiatrist, said a study using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on the brains of people in their 40s had shown the development of lesions.

He said lesions cause thought processes to slow, a symptom previously associated more with people aged in their sixties and seventies.

Prof Sachdev said most people were affected to some extent by the age of 65, but more younger people were now showing signs of premature brain "ageing" and unhealthy lifestyles could be to blame.

Women were generally more affected than men, he said.

Symptoms included slowed information processing, depression and physical disability.

I do not for a moment believe that the brain is beyond repair just because of age. In the first place we only use about 10% of our brain so that leaves lots of room. People have been re-educating their brains for centuries. If you were to loose the ability to write with your right hand, you would soon learn to write with your left hand. That is just re-educating your brain using a different area of the brain.

Let go of the past and your bad habits. Start today to live a healthy life. Breathe deeply, move your body, get sufficient sleep, and make sure you eat lots of fruits and vegetables. It is not really so hard to keep a healthy brain or body.

As far a mental challenges, have you tried Sudoku. I can do crosswords and I can do word searches but this one I cannot do.

Working on setting up a couple of new blogs. They will be on Menopause, Depression and Diabetes. As soon as they are set up, I will let you know the links.

until next time - smile


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