Thursday, March 30, 2006

Great Expectations It Is Up To You

It has certainly been a while since I posted. I picked up a tummy bug. Just the garden variety ate at a restaurant type bug. I know restaurants try to be as clean as possible but especially the buffet style or salad bar can so quickly turn to a bacteria nightmare. You watch all those small children handling the food with their bare hands. That is why the signs say that children must be accompanied by an adult. This will be the last time I eat buffet style. I watched adults sneeze and cough into the food. I watched adults handling food with their bare hands. How can we possibly teach our children by anything but example.

I have a very strong system and don't usually fall prey to something like this. I wonder how eating there affected everyone else. Oh well, I have been taking my probiotics and will be right as rain.

Fun little link for you. It tells you how old you were when big events took place.

Realize you can't change the past,
but you can start a new tomorrow.
Don't try to do everything at once;
take one step at a time,

and this

We can't fear the past. Fear is a future thing. And since the future's all in our heads, fear must be a head thing.

Tom Payne Career Development Expert

I really like these two quotes. I quite often find myself going over past events wishing I had taken a different path. Since that is impossible, I try to refocus on not repeating mistakes and looking forward to the future.

For most of us, we have to accept responsibility for where we are today including the mistakes that have put us in a over weight body or deeply in debt. Accepting that responsibility frees us to make changes.

If you are blaming someone else or just the universe in general, you are making yourself a slave to someone else. You are giving them permission to run your life.

Claim your freedom. Plan and then implement your changes. Enjoy the small steps.

When you have days that it seems just too easy to allow yourself to slip back into the slave mentality --- and you will have those days --- shake it off as soon as possible. Look at the changes you have already made and know that you are the master of your own life. It is not easy. It is worth the effort.

Perhaps if you remember that you cannot change anyone else it will help. Those around you may take offense at your changed attitude. That is their problem and they will have to come to terms with it. Don't try to put yourself in the position of being their master.

Life is all about change. Just look at the seasons that mother nature has put in place. We need change or we grow stagnant. Give yourself the freedom to choose at least some of your changes.

I will stop today with one last quote.

I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do.

Helen Keller 1880-1968, Author and Lecturer

If Helen Keller could take responsibility for her own life, certainly you and I can do no less.

until next time - smile


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