The Secret
Please check out this link. This online movie has the potential to allow you to change your life. It will not conflict with any religion. It most likely will conflict with your current beliefs about your life. I guarantee it will leave you feeling glorious. When you finish reading the blog, scroll back up here and just click.
Joke of the day
You might be from a small town if:
1. You can name everyone you graduated with
2. You get a whiff of manure and think of home
3. You know what 4-H is
4. You ever went to "headlight parties"
5. You used to drag "main"
6. You said the 'f' word and your parents knew within the hour
7. You schedule parties around the schedule of different police officers, since you know which ones will bust you and which ones won't
8. You ever went cow-tipping
9. You have ever partied with a guy who is 25, has no job, but is the 'buyer' for all of the best parties
10. You have parties at the same guy's house
12. School gets cancelled for state sporting events
13. The town social events are their children's
14. You could never buy cigarettes because all the store clerks knew how old you were (and, if you were old enough, they'd tell your parents, anyhow)
15. When you did find someone old enough and brave enough to buy smokes, you still had to go out to the country and drive on back roads to smoke them
16. Social acceptance in town depended on the approval of the five old (but rich) hags that met each morning at the donut shop for the latest smut
17. You were ever in the Homecoming parade
18. You have ever gone home for Homecoming
19. You fix up to go buy milk lest anyone starts the rumor that you have gained weight or quit taking care of youself
20. No place sells gas on Sunday
21. Friday nights fun consisted of standing in line for the one screen theater and since it was sold out, watching truckers and drinking coffee at the truck stop (the only place open after 10)
22. You have to drive an hour to buy a pair of socks
23. It was cool to date someone from the neighboring town
24. You have ever gone for a walk in the cemetery, on a date
25. You ordered your waredrobe out of a catalog
26. You had senior skip day
27. The whole school went to the same party after graduation
28. The only 'clique' that nobody would be nice to was the skurves across the street
30. You don't give directions by street names or house numbers, but you give directions by references (turn by Armstrongs' Liquor, go two blocks past Andersons', and it's four houses
left of the track field)
I never knew just a small my hometown was.
This in from Dr Ingils even more important heart disease risk factor is inflammation, which both promotes the formation of artery damaging plaque and its sudden rupture, which can instantly block off an artery and cause a heart attack. One of the best markers for inflammation is a substance called C-reactive protein (CRP). The good news is that you can control it -- and cholesterol -- both of these dangerous conditions with a few easy, and tasty, changes to your daily diet.
Here're a few simple tips:
- Focus on a plant-based diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (become a veggie expert!)
- Get enough healthy fat -- olive and small amounts of butter
- Opt for moderate amounts of natural or organic meat and dairy foods
- Eat fish a least once a week
- Add some soy protein to your diet if you like it
In the study that pitted a diet including these foods against a popular cholsterol lowering "statin" drug, participants saw their LDL cholesterol (that's the bad kind) and their CRP drop by around 30 percent -- same as the drug, but cheaper, tastier and whole lot more fun (and without the risk of dangerous side effects).
from Nutri-Health comes this information that just might answer why you are putting on pounds.
...What are Trans Fats? Transfatty acids are a type of man-made fat that is found in margarine and other hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. The process of turning a naturally liquid vegetable oil into a solid fat adds a hook to the molecule of fat.
That hook attaches onto cells in the body so that the body cannot process the fat as it normally would.
This "hooked molecule" causes constant irritation and inflammation in the body.It is one of the causes of low level or chronic inflammation that may be the root cause of many degenerative diseases: Heart Disease, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Cancer, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Allergies and many others.
The National Academy of Science's Institute of Medicine has declared, There is no safe level of trans fatty acids.
Food that has less than .5 grams per serving does not have to be labeled. Watch out for Artificial Creamer. It has .5 grams of trans fatty acids per teaspoon and is not labeled. If you load up your coffee several times a day with several teaspoons, you may be getting 9 or 10 grams a day or more of dangerous trans fats from creamer alone!
I gave up artificial creamers about 3 months ago. I am just now beginning to see a drop in weight. So get rid of the junk and just give your body time to re-adjust to healthy eating and drinking.
until next time - smile. And go see the Secret!
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