Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Is Obesity A Virus?

I don't know if I hope this is true or not.

Telegraph | News | Obesity 'can be caught like a cold': "

Obesity 'can be caught like a cold'
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
(Filed: 31/01/2006)

Evidence that obesity could be contagious was published yesterday by American researchers - and washing your hands could be an elementary step to avoiding the virus and becoming overweight."

Though for the day

Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
James Matthew Barrie 1860-1937, Author of Peter Pan

Just another way of saying what you give out comes back to you.

I have the flu. What a disappointment for a person who teaches good health. Reminds me of the joke - punch line - a health nut is in the hospital dying of nothing.

I am going to put myself on the hot seat. I am promising that my new book on skin care will be online by Feb 15 - this year. It is written more for over 40 skin. Still trying to decide on a title. Any suggestions.

I have done my 15 minute walk everyday. Not today though even if the sun is shining. I can't wait for someone to get home and watch the kids so I can go to bed. What timing - their mother is leaving tomorrow for a week.

until next time - smile even if it hurts.


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