Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year Resolutions and Losing Weight

If you want something new and different, you must do something different today. Same old actions equal the same old results.

Every adult in my house is on a diet and everyone of us has a different diet and exercise (or lack of exercise) program. Making a meal that suits everyone is no longer possible. And the grocery bill has doubled. What's a mother to do?

On top of it all, I still have a 2 year old and a 4 year old to feed. They need calories. If the adults had the energy that the children do - none of us would be over weight.

My main endeavor this week has been getting the little ones back on a schedule. Holidays play he-- with nap times and bed times. Now that school has started again and their mom is back to work, it falls to me to be the bad guy and enforce nap times and bed times and normal meals.

The computer gremlins have been working overtime on my pc. System keeps freezing up and the mouse is dead about half the time. Makes it rather difficult to work. I think it is the new screen saver program I received at Christmas. My husband insists that a screen saver cannot cause the problem. Oh well, I have the screen saver turned off today in order to get this posted.

How are you coming with your New Year Resolutions? Did you make any and already give them up?

Instead of a resolution that you have to keep for an entire year, why not try a variety of resolutions just for a day. If you do not keep to the resolution - no big deal - you just resolve to do it another day.

You can write up a general plan, specifically listing all the things you want to change. Now just pick one for each day and that is the only one you have to work on.

Pretty soon, it will just become a habit that on Monday you walk a mile, on Tuesday you don't eat bread and you do eat broccoli, Wednesday you do a water and apple fast, Thursday you write the checks to pay the bills for next week and get them ready to mail.

You get the idea. As something becomes a habit, you can always add a new resolution for that day.

Most people know that you can do anything or do without anything for an hour - you just want to expand that to a full day. Taken in small doses, you can overcome just about anything.

Smoking is one of those I'll quit tomorrow things. You will not stop smoking until you want to. I have know people that could not move around without an oxygen tank. Yet they would shut off that oxygen supply long enough to have a cigarette.

But, if you know you should quit, try some baby steps. If you always smoke right after you eat, resolve to wait 30 minutes. If you can do that, you will break a habit and when you finally quit for good, you won't even miss that after meal cigarette. If you always have a smoke as soon as you wake up, move the cigarettes to another room before you go to bed. Again, it is a habit not a need.

If you are considering buying an over-the-counter diet pill, you might want to look at the information at Real Age.

No Thrill in Pills - RealAge Tip of the Day: "If your New Year's resolution to lose weight has you eyeing the natural weight loss pills at the drug store, look the other way."

I want to share some gift wishes with you --Twelve Gifts I Wish for You in the New Year

... in this special season and all the year through

Happiness..........Deep down within.
Serenity.......... With each sunrise.
Success..........In each facet of your life.
Family..........Beside you.
Close and caring friends.
Health..........Inside you.
Love..........That never ends.
Special memories..........Of all the yesterdays.
A bright today..........With much to be thankful for.
A path..........That leads to beautiful tomorrows.
Dreams..........That do their best to come true.
Appreciation..........Of all the wonderful things about you.

Check out all the new articles at Answers For Your

I added new headings as well as new articles.

until next time - smile


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Separate diets for separate individuals would quickly drain anyone's desire to diet. This must be very stressful. I'd suggest a read of a very simple free ebook with some of the most logical yet life-transforming wisdom on health. Find it at

Yes I know that name talks about money but the book on health is there too.

Finest, Jerome.

3:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If different people want a different diet they should COOK it,
not to mention pay for the extra expense.
Come on! That is nonsense.
Remember dear Abby: Nobody can be used as a doormat unless they lie down first.

I am so with you on the baby steps.
FlyLady is my guru!

4:48 PM  

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