Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Natural Health from AFYH 9 days to Christmas


A man and his wife are sitting at the kitchen table, which is
next to the window. The man's name is Rudolph, and since
he is Russian, people call him "Rudolph the Red." Rudolph
looked out the window and said to his wife, "Oh look honey,
it's raining outside." She looks out as well and says, "No, I
think that is snow." He looks at her and says, "Rudolph the
red knows rain dear."

I had a notice this morning from Aweber, the service that sends the notice of a new post. Yesterday one of my subscribers filed a complaint with AOL that I was spamming them. Now no one is on this list unless you filled in your name on a little form and then clicked on a confirmation link. If you don't want to hear from me - that is fine - I understand. BUT please do not file a complaint on me.

I had one person leave the list because the screen was too difficult to read - so I am trying a new font and size.

I am going through a pretty difficult time right now. My initial reaction to everything that has happened in the past couple of weeks is to just give up - throw in the towel - and go sulk somewhere quiet.

However, there is no place in my house where you can find quiet. I read a great post this morning that helped to put things into perspective. My problems are just financial not health. Please take a look at this inspiring blog. The Sizzling Edge: "When Life Turns Uphill, Just Keep Peddling"

Why do sewers stop up on Sunday just 2 weeks before Christmas? Good for the plumber but very purse emptying for Santa's elf.

I spent all of yesterday and last night working on my website.
Answers For Your Health
I took off my picture to make it load faster. I don't think anyone will miss it. I re-did the placement of advertising in the hopes of getting more clicks. That is my income and it has really been off lately.

I reorganized - the Articles page is gone and more main pages have been added such as Women's Health

I even finished up several new articles and posted them. I am back to working on a series of articles on blood pressure. Mine has sky-rocketed again.

I don't think there will be very many posts to this blog in the next couple of weeks due to the holidays and family visiting. I probably will send you the odd joke or two and most certainly my wishes for you to have a healthy and merry Christmas or the more politically correct Happy Holidays to cover everyone's particular celebration.

until next time - smile


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