Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Vitamin D

Osteoporosis Experts Reach Consensus on the Role of Vitamin D in Bone Health in Americans Over 50 ProHealthNetwork.com


Treatment 'Guidelines' Address Issue of Vitamin D Deficiency in the U.S.

ALEXANDRIA, Va., Nov. 17 /PRNewswire/ -- The American Medical Women's Association (AMWA) today issued physician recommendations to generate greater understanding of the role of vitamin D in bone health in women and men over 50, calling for an increase in currently recommended vitamin D intake and encouraging individualized treatment in patients.

According to an analysis published in 2004 and based on the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), over 70 percent of women ages 51-70 and nearly 90 percent of women over 70 are not getting the recommended adequate intake of vitamin D.

The Best Source of Vitamin D - Sunshine

You need to be getting 15 minutes a day of good sunshine then go put on your sunscreen and get a little more. Work in the garden or take a walk.

Only one more Christmas present to buy and I am finished. Then it is on to writing Christmas cards and decorating. I am seeing this week people putting up Christmas decorations - hold on it is not even Thanksgiving yet. OK so Thanksgiving is only 2 days away but please one holiday at a time.

Another birthday has come and gone. My daughter gave us a night out at a dinner theater - live mystery comedy. It was so much fun. Being there and laughing so much made me realize that I have not been laughing very much lately.

The government messed up my husband's retirement check and I had to call creditors and explain that I had no money to pay on time. About 20% were sympathic and helpful by not assigning a late charge. About 40% were indifferent and the late charges would be applied. The rest were down right threatening and hateful. Since I have never been late on a payment to any of these people, it was disgusting to be treated with such disdain. Those accounts that had representatives (who only act according to company policy) that were not customer friendly will have their accounts paid and no more business from me. My car will never drive into another Diamond Shamrock station. I can only wonder how they treated the unfortunate people who were in Katrina or Rita.

The situation has been resolved (at least for this month - the rep at the finance office does not know if the December check will be on time). So with so much to be thankful for I look forward to a wonderful holiday season, an extra 5 pounds, and lots and lots of laughter.

Have a great Thanksgiving.

Until next time - smile


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