Saturday, November 12, 2005

Goals and Motivation

Thinking material today.

"Happiness is to be found along the way, not at the end of the road, for then the journey is over and it is too late. Today, this hour, this minute is the day, the hour, the minute for each of us to sense the fact that life is good, with all of its trials and troubles, and perhaps more interesting because of them."
Robert R. Updegraff
Author of "Be Thankful For Your Troubles"

Martin Avis writes a newsletter that I always open as soon as it comes. He has a wonderful style and always makes me think. He makes me feel like his next door neighbor even though he is far away in the UK.

Five Top Tips to Becoming a Motivational Manager.

A manager has a tough job. It is the lot of the manager
to rally the troops, inspire the teams and motivate the
individuals that they lead.

And managers aren't just people in business. A mother
is a manager. A teacher is a manager. All of us are
managers in some part of our lives.

There are hundreds of facets to being a good at
managing people and motivating them to be their best,
but the most effective, and easiest to put into
practice is the simple act of recognition. This article
lists five top tips that can help you to motivate
others in whatever management role you are involved in
by recognizing what they are doing.

As you'll see, helping people to do their jobs better
is often as simple as giving them a hand.

I don't mean help, I mean applause!

Everybody works, behaves or learns better when they
receive positive feedback. It's human nature to work
harder for someone who takes the trouble to notice and
to tell you that you've done a great job.

As a manager of people, make that your first priority -
find something good to say about the people you lead
and they'll follow you anywhere. If you don't, they'll
pretty soon decide to follow someone else. Statistics
show that 79% give 'lack of recognition' as a primary
reason for changing jobs.

Dale Denton said, "Nine tenths of wisdom is
appreciation. Go find somebody's hand and squeeze it
... while there's still time."

Tip #1: Remember the little things.

For the rest of the article

Until next time - smile


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