Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Flesh eating liquid

Ugh - sounds awful doesn't it. A few weeks back I told you that my daughter and my husband went on a deep sea fishing trip. She caught a shark and brought the mouth - jaw whatever home as a trophy.

After a very short time of cleaning on it, she left it in the bowl of hydrogen peroxide and walked away. The next day I set the bowl outside. A few days later there was a small hole in my stainless steel bowl.

The next day I found the jaw in the yard. Some critter around here checked it out and left it.

Ok I am a push over. I brought the thing in and tried to clean it. I finally put it in a bowl and poured coke over it. Coke is supposed to be a flesh eater.

Two days later - this morning, I rinsed it off. Most of the flesh just rubbed away, but now the whole thing was a dingy brownish black. I was running the dish washer and decided to stick it in there and see if the dark color would come off. At this point it was still all in one piece.

After the dish washer finished before the drying cycle I pulled out the shark jaw. Now it is in beautiful white condition. Small problem - now it is in 4 pieces.

Oh well, I could still mount it. I set it on the counter to dry. When I picked it up later - all the teeth fell out.

So, which was the worst culprit - the hydrogen peroxide, the coke, or dish washer detergent.



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