Friday, October 21, 2005

Food Allergies

As children, we had no choices, we ate whatever Mom or
Dad or babysitter gave us.

That established the pattern for our bodies for the rest
of our lives. All the organs aligned themselves to preserve
the body using the food provided. Fat cells reproduced at an alarming rate
to hold fat and toxins from harming major organs and set up the first
line of defense against clogged arteries.

Food allergies were compensated for by the body. If it was
a violent reaction like hives, your parents realized that you
were allergic to "whatever" and did not feed it to you

However most food allergies are more subtle and sinister.

When you develop a sensitivity to certain foods, your body releases
opioids to mask the symptoms. Opioids are narcotic-like chemicals
released by the brain.

Because you have a feel-good feeling after eating those foods or
drinks (like colas or sweet koolaid), you naturally gravitate back
to the same foods to reproduce those good feeling. The same reaction
you have later in life to drugs, smoking, alcohol or chocolate.

We know them as comfort foods - cookies, cakes, hot chocolate,
fried chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy, hot bread, for me it
is a Milky Way. That was my treat everyday after school. I even
had a special way of eating it.

Think back to when you were a child - what was your treat or
comfort food. Do you still turn to that food?

More to come on this subject.



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