Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Just talking to myself again

Have you noticed, really noticed that all the advertising for "cures" for diseases you probably never even heard about - all insinuate that you are just around the corner from getting this disease?

We all laugh when we hear the list of possible side effects of any given pill which are usually the symptoms we are trying to avoid.

I do a lot of research, reading hundreds of documents and looking at test results. My email is full of reports (actually ads for some product disguised as reports) from dozens of sources both asked for and unasked for.

There are days when I get really depressed by all the information which seems to indicate that we are all just a breath away from some horrible disease or disfunction.

It is a times like that when I must shake myself and remember that health is as much mind as body. If you are forever worrying about having a heart attack, then odds are you will eventually have one. Your mind is just fulfilling your expressed desire. Wait you exclaim - I don't want a heart attack. Then think health.

Of course you have to do the things that ensure good health. Eat right, exercise, challenge your brain, get enough sleep, and most important laugh every day.

It is not enough to think happy thoughts and then eat a loaf of bread a day. It is not enough to think happy healthy thoughts and sit on your butt all day.

We face challenges that were unknown to our parents and grandparents. The world changes and nothing will stop that. They did not have prepared foods that were made with fructose - corn syrup - a product that cannot tell your brain you are full and spawns fat cells at every bite.

Still I say think happy, think health. Tell your brain you are doing the health thing. Look forward to each new day and each new opportunity to improve or maintain your health.

I received this quote in my email today.

I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.
Martha Washington 1732-1802, First American First Lady

I wonder if that is where President Lincoln got his saying - Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

Therefore - I tell you - make up your mind that you are healthy and let your brain help you find the healthy directions you need to follow.

until next time - smile


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think HEALTH. Thanks, dear friend, you hit the nail on the head.
So much that is coming at us from
the media, even some with good intentions, results in more FEAR.

Sharon, I always enjoy your common
sense and good advice.

6:06 PM  

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