Sunday, January 22, 2006

Losing Weight ?

I am constantly losing things. Just because I created a "place" for something to be stored when not in use, does not mean the other 5 people in this house can remember to put something back. Lost

I can be just as lazy as the next person and I can postpone returning something to its proper place because I am busy and I will do it later. Lost

We are ready to walk out the door and someone says --Oh I have to have a _____ you fill in the blank. I guarantee that whatever it is you are going to have to search for it because it is -------Lost.

Losing weight - sorry not happening.

More organization I cry - I am so darn tired of losing things. I hate losing things.

I spend 90% of my time convincing my mind that I don't want to lose things, I want to stop losing things. How about you? Do you want to lose your money? Do you want to lose your job or your house? How about your youth - want to lose that?

If you have a broken down couch that you want to replace, do you say to yourself, I want to lose that couch. No you buy a new couch and get rid of the old one. You give it away, throw it away, whatever, but you joyfully happily give that old thing another place to be.

You are playing a game with friends, do you want to lose? No you want to Win. You are up for a promotion, do you want to lose? No you want to Win.

You get the idea - your mind knows that LOSE is a BAD thing. Good heavens, how are we supposed to lose weight when our mind knows that losing anything is bad and stressful?

All righty then - let us change our vocabulary when speaking to the brain about changing our weight.

Read the rest of the article here.

Answers For Your Health Survival Guide - Losing Weight ?

I expect I will be a little slow in posting next week. Last week I had the oldest granddaughter down with a cold and now today the little one has started to run a high fever.

I would give in and claim sick as well, but who would take care of everyone else.

I had planned to have my book on skin care available this weekend but did not have the time to put in on it so maybe next weekend.

until next time - smile


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