Thursday, January 26, 2006

Trial and Error Equal Success

I am trying out a new template. Hope it looks good, if not I will just change it again.

Today - Trying New Things
Whole Foods
New Diet Pill

I have 2 quotes for you today.

I AM - the two most powerful words in the world, for whatever we put after them becomes our reality.
Susan Howson

So what do we do? Anything - something. So long as we just don't sit there. If we screw it up, start over. Try something else. If we wait until we've satisfied all the uncertainties, it may be too late.
Lee Iacocca
Former Chairman of Chrysler Corporation

Everyday you pronounce your little I ams. I am always late, I am fat, I am stupid, I am never going to get done with this -- and the list goes on and on. You don't even realize that you are doing it.

When are you going to say your big I AM? When are you going to make some small changes that will lead to big pay offs?

I got my hair cut the other day. I thought I would look better with shorter hair. Now I don't know if the hair cut is just bad or if I have had long hair for so many years it looks strange short or what. But I can tell you I was a bit disappointed. My husband refused to even comment. (He is old school and thinks all women should have hair down to there.)

Small change. Did not produce the result I wanted. My hair will grow out. And I can continue to look at different hair styles. But the biggest benefit of this whole experiment was finding out that short hair does not work. It eliminates me having to look at dozens of short hair styles.

That is what change is all about. Trying something new. If it doesn't suit you, just don't do that anymore.

Did you join a gym to lose weight as part of a New Year's Resolution? Are you still going? If not - don't beat yourself up. That is just something that doesn't work for you - no matter the reason. You still want to get in better shape and lose some weight so now it is just a matter of time - trial and error - to find what will work for you.

When you have misplaced something at home or work and you start searching and finally find it - Do you say - It was in the last place I looked. Of course it was, why would you keep looking after you found it.

It is just a matter of searching and persisting in that search to find what will work for you to get in better shape - to get healthier. It may be the second thing you try or even the tenth thing you try. As long as you don't give up, you will find your I AM.

Friend of mine at Amazon Herb sent me this link. You really should check it out. The page I selected has a great article on drinking water with a meal.

The World's Healthiest Foods: Feeling Great: Too much water alongside of a meal can raise the stomach pH in some unwanted ways, and we recommend avoiding excessive water intake during a meal. What counts as 'excessive'? The answer....


The State News - "1st over-the-counter obesity pill to be considered by FDA"

I don't really endorse diet pills. This one is just a fat blocker. If taken before a fatty meal, it will bind the fats and pass them through your system. This is actually helpful to your liver, however if used for all meals, then you have no fats and that is bad. There are some vitamins that are only absorbed with fats. Fat blockers used in moderation are in my opinion ok - MODERATION - like before a pizza.

Ending with a joke

An elderly gentleman had serious hearing problems for a
number of years.

He went to the doctor and the doctor was able to have him
fitted for a set of hearing aids that allowed the gentleman to
hear 100%. The elderly gentleman went back in a month to
the doctor and the doctor said, "Your hearing is perfect. Your
family must be really pleased that you can hear again."

The gentleman replied, "Oh, I haven't told my family yet. I
just sit around and listen to the conversations. I've changed
my will three times!"

until next time - smile


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