Friday, March 10, 2006

Aloe Vera and Life in General

Today's story is about Aloe Vera and Life in General. I was sitting outside this morning watching the girls play in the back yard. Directly in front of me was a clump of Aloe Vera that has been growing in my yard for several years.

It started out as a couple of nice little plants in a low planter. It spread rapidly, broke out of the planter box and invaded the yard. Now it covers a almost square area of about 2 feet by 2 feet. Every year it blooms tall spiky flowers. It provides sunburn relief and rapid healing for little scrapes and cuts. It is also home to little gecko lizards.

After a long dry winter with a couple of freezing mornings, the poor plants look very sad.

It has brown spots and dried shriveled leaves. It looks dead. It is choked with dead grass and leaves from the trees.

When I looked at it, I said to myself - that is me. Yes I was a little down this morning - another set back from the IRS. I went over to the plant to feel sorry for it. Guess what. Down at the bottom at the BASE it is green and growing. It is not dead only preparing for another go round in life. Yes I need to thin it out and get all that garbage out of the way.

Spring time - maybe it is time for you to compare yourself to that Aloe Vera. You started out in a little place and every time you grew and learned you pushed yourself out of the box. Maybe now you are getting a few brown spots. Maybe you don't look as young or vigorous as you once did. But there is still life to be lived and at your base you are strong and ready to move onward. Maybe you need a little thinning, maybe you need to get rid of some choking garbage.

Now is a good time to take stock. Throw away the garbage that is cluttering up the view. Thin out those overwhelming I Shoulds. Prepare for new growth - maybe it is time to break out of the box again.

Bet you thought I forgot your joke.

How can you tell that your blonde secretary has been typing on
your computer?

White-out on the screen!

How can you tell she's made the corrections?

She wrote over the white out!

until next time - smile


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