Monday, October 31, 2005

The Diet From Down Under

I hear there is another "new" diet. Webmd has a review well worth reading before you jump on this one. Please read page 4. Everything is fairly good until you get there.

New Diet

Remember - diet is what you eat every day. For the rest of your Life. Diet is one case where you absolutely need it ALL. It isn't so much what you eat but how much you eat. Balance Balance Balance.

Exercise is what keeps you walking on your own when you are 70 and thinking clear thoughts when you are any age.

Keep smiling - it will make everyone wonder what you are up to.


Friday, October 28, 2005

Food Allergy vs Food Intolerance

Generally when we eat something and it makes us feel sick or break out in hives we say "I am allergic to that".

Food allergies produce specific reactions. The immune system releases chemicals to fight what it perceives as something bad.

Food intolerance on the other hand can make you bloated or gassy. This is one of the underlining symptoms of IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Every thing you eat is going to change your stool to some extent. However, if you have a change in consistency or frequency or mucus in the stool you probably have a food intolerance.

To complicate the situation you might have a yeast infection aggravated by too much sugar intake. This is too complicated to go into very much here. But suffice it to say that high-fructose corn syrup is in almost every product you buy at the grocery store. Your body does not process HFCS as it does sugar. HFCS does not trigger the release of leptin which tells you that you are full.

An easy answer for the IBS symptoms is taking a probiotic every day. This will ensure that the bowel is in balance with good bacteria. That good bacteria will prevent the leaky gut that pours toxins into your blood stream.

One thing is sure - if something you eat makes you feel bloated, sleepy, itchy or shaky - don't eat it any more.

Sometimes after a meal you don't know which of the food items is the culprit.

Answer for that is green tea. Green tea has catechins which can block the release of histamine in the stomach which would help if the food is causing an allergic reaction.

Quote to think about today.

It has been scientifically proven that you can change your mind.

Answers For Your Health

Thursday, October 27, 2005

HHS - Hospital Compare

This falls into the be prepared category. It is a nice little site the government put up so that you can see how the hospitals in your area compare.

Know how your local hospitals compare. Then check your insurance - where do you have to go for treatment if it is not an emergency.

In an emergency situation, your insurance will pay for the closest hospital even if they are not one the plan. However, you will have to be moved to a covered hospital as soon as you are stable.


Arthritis Pain and Help for Second Hand Smoke

Little tidbits that come to my attention

Another plus for an apple a day.

Arthritis pain is just a pill away for your doctor. I learned that 90% of doctors have only had maybe 10 hours of pain management training. That means your doctor knows how to prescribe a dosage of a pill for your weight range. Those pills can have side effects that can be worse than the arthritis pain.

Numerous natural medications are available over-the-counter. These medications may contain Cayenne or Limonene Oil or Emu Oil or Arnica or possibly a combination.

Will they work for your pain? Maybe, but at least you won't suffer from any bad side effects when you give it a try. Include eating apples - hey we all know that balancing your pH is the bullseye for good health and that includes reducing the pain of arthritis.

Scientists know that the inflammation that triggers arthritis pain is the result of an enzyme-protein complex called cycloaxygenase-2 (COX-2). When COX-2 production is reduced, inflammation and pain are reduced as well. Current research is focused on finding a COX-2 inhibitor that does not have heart related side effects.

Zyflamend is an herbal formulation that inhibits COX-2. Research on this formulation has produced promising results, with none of the side effects caused by COX-2-inhibiting drugs.

Second hand Smoke

This is for all of you who live with a smoker, especially if you have children at home.

Studies show this timeline of the way second hand smoke affects the heart:

5 minutes: The aorta begins to stiffen
30 minutes: The blood begins to become "sticky" with activated blood platelets; damage to the artery linings begins; blood vessel dilation is reduced
2 hours: Heart rhythm may become disturbed

For healthy people, the endothelial cells that line the heart and blood vessels release nitric oxide (NO). But when the endothelium is damaged (smoking), NO production is decreased and blood vessels become less responsive to changes in blood flow.

A recent study out of Germany shows that foods containing flavanols (antioxidant and anti-inflammatory found in some fruits and vegetables) help maintain the nitric oxide mechanism that promotes healthy arteries.

Those who are exposed to second hand smoke on a regular basis need to increase their dietary consumption of flavanols. Sources include the all mighty apple, broccoli, onions, berries, some teas and if you need an excuse dark chocolate.

I would go easy on the chocolate and load up on the apples.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Flesh eating liquid

Ugh - sounds awful doesn't it. A few weeks back I told you that my daughter and my husband went on a deep sea fishing trip. She caught a shark and brought the mouth - jaw whatever home as a trophy.

After a very short time of cleaning on it, she left it in the bowl of hydrogen peroxide and walked away. The next day I set the bowl outside. A few days later there was a small hole in my stainless steel bowl.

The next day I found the jaw in the yard. Some critter around here checked it out and left it.

Ok I am a push over. I brought the thing in and tried to clean it. I finally put it in a bowl and poured coke over it. Coke is supposed to be a flesh eater.

Two days later - this morning, I rinsed it off. Most of the flesh just rubbed away, but now the whole thing was a dingy brownish black. I was running the dish washer and decided to stick it in there and see if the dark color would come off. At this point it was still all in one piece.

After the dish washer finished before the drying cycle I pulled out the shark jaw. Now it is in beautiful white condition. Small problem - now it is in 4 pieces.

Oh well, I could still mount it. I set it on the counter to dry. When I picked it up later - all the teeth fell out.

So, which was the worst culprit - the hydrogen peroxide, the coke, or dish washer detergent.


Friday, October 21, 2005

Food Allergies

As children, we had no choices, we ate whatever Mom or
Dad or babysitter gave us.

That established the pattern for our bodies for the rest
of our lives. All the organs aligned themselves to preserve
the body using the food provided. Fat cells reproduced at an alarming rate
to hold fat and toxins from harming major organs and set up the first
line of defense against clogged arteries.

Food allergies were compensated for by the body. If it was
a violent reaction like hives, your parents realized that you
were allergic to "whatever" and did not feed it to you

However most food allergies are more subtle and sinister.

When you develop a sensitivity to certain foods, your body releases
opioids to mask the symptoms. Opioids are narcotic-like chemicals
released by the brain.

Because you have a feel-good feeling after eating those foods or
drinks (like colas or sweet koolaid), you naturally gravitate back
to the same foods to reproduce those good feeling. The same reaction
you have later in life to drugs, smoking, alcohol or chocolate.

We know them as comfort foods - cookies, cakes, hot chocolate,
fried chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy, hot bread, for me it
is a Milky Way. That was my treat everyday after school. I even
had a special way of eating it.

Think back to when you were a child - what was your treat or
comfort food. Do you still turn to that food?

More to come on this subject.


Saturday, October 15, 2005

Halloween and a Joke

If you love carving pumpkins - as my husband does - you will enjoy
this site. I love talent and often wonder how some people come
up with some of their ideas.

My husband carved a flying witch into the pumpkin last year. No
pattern just a pencil and his little carving tool.

Me - I need a pattern to draw a circle. But on the other hand
I am very good at following a pattern and instructions.

The world needs both of us.

Ok, I love this joke because it is funny and yet it is so
human. I think we have all at some time wondered if
God was playing a joke on us.

Father Norton plays golf

Father Norton woke up Sunday morning, and realizing it
was an exceptionally beautiful and sunny early spring
day, decided he just had to play golf.

So... he told the Associate Pastor that he was feeling
sick and persuaded him to say Mass for him that day.

As soon as the Associate Pastor left the room, Father
Norton headed out of town to a golf course about forty
miles away. This way he knew he wouldn't accidentally
meet anyone he knew from his parish. Setting up on
the first tee, he was alone. After all, it was Sunday
morning and everyone else was in church!

At about this time, Saint Peter leaned over to the Lord
while looking down from the heavens and exclaimed,
You're not going to let him get away with this, are you?
The Lord sighed, and said, No, I guess not.

Just then Father Norton hit the ball and it shot straight
towards the pin, dropping just short of it, rolled up and
fell into the hole. IT WAS A 420 YARD HOLE IN ONE!

St. Peter was astonished. He looked at the Lord and asked,
Why did you let him do that?

The Lord smiled and replied, Who's he going to tell?

I am starting a new set of pages on my web site showcasing
all the wonderful jokes and pictures people have sent me.
I will put up the links just as soon as I get more than one
item on each page.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

AP Wire | 10/10/2005 | Study suggests fish is good for brain

I know I picked up this article because it went along with the fishing trip.

AP Wire | 10/10/2005 | Study suggests fish is good for brain: "Study suggests fish is good for brain


Associated Press

CHICAGO - Eating fish at least once a week is good for the brain, slowing age-related mental decline by the equivalent of three to four years, a study suggests.

The research adds to the growing evidence that a fish-rich diet helps keep the mind sharp. Previous studies found that people who ate fish lowered their risk of Alzheimer's disease and stroke. Fish such as salmon and tuna that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids also have been shown to prevent heart disease."

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Health - Different Issues for Men and Women

New article today on Men's Health Screening Tests.
Sometimes I think that men feel that it is a point of honor to avoid the doctor. You start talking certain tests and they start backing out of the room in a hurry. Oh well, your life or your pride, your choice.

Women who hate mammograms - you must read this article. I can see a great future for this little non painful device.

HealthScout-Consumer Health News, Information and Resources Updated Daily-Breast Cancer-At-Home Breast Cancer Detector Effective: "THURSDAY, June 9 (HealthDay News) -- A hand-held imaging device designed for use at home appears effective in detecting breast cancer in its early stages, according to a University of Pennsylvania researcher who hopes the device might be available commercially to women in a year or two."


Monday, October 03, 2005


Ok I admit it - I am a procrastinator. I started this particular blog on 10-3
and put it aside to finish later. Here it is the 19th and I just remembered
it because I started to do another article.

So I am going to finish all my saved drafts - if I can remember where I
was going with them.

This is about a great little company in Port Aransas that takes you out
deep sea fishing. They provide everything for about $75.00 a person.

My husband and youngest daughter (17) went out on the 8th. It was her
first time and she was a little hesitant about doing it. She worried about
becoming seasick - we gave her Dramamine. She worried about being
bored - she is 17.

I told her once she hooked a fish - all her fears would disappear in the
excitement of the moment and after the first fish all the fears of how
to do it would disappear with the experience.

Of course Momma knows what she is talking about.

Her very first fish was a shark - about 2 1/2 foot. Now she was just
as hooked on this sport as her father is.

Most of the fish that they caught the rest of the day had to be thrown
back because of size.

Still, my freezer is nicely stocked with Red Snapper and Shark. I even
have the jaw of the shark. It still hasn't been completely cleaned and I
am getting tired of looking at it. Do I leave it for her to finish cleaning
or do I throw it away. Those little teeth are sharp. I really don't want
to clean it.

If you are going to be in this area, check out the Dolphin docks. They
are in winter rates right now.

Dolphin Docks Deep Sea Fishing Port Aransas, Texas in the Gulf

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Answers For Your Health - More on Beating Belly Fat

I put up a couple of new articles this weekend.

Tummy Tightening and Weight Loss


Exercise and Fitness for Seniors

Funny, we are getting older and sometimes feel like we have already done our bit. We should be able to just sit back and watch TV or read a book. Seems like we get tired just a little bit more than we used to.

It is that old vicious cycle. Reduce the exercise - reduce the energy. But, if you want that body to last and to be in good shape to allow you to enjoy retirement - you better just accept the fact that daily exercise is a must.

Don't wait for retirement to start an exercise routine. It may be a day late and a dollar short.

If you need more encouragement check out Fit Over 40!

Have a great week. Come back to visit and leave me some feedback on the articles. Please.

Smile - you owe the world a beautiful view.