Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cancer Treatment Alternative or Standard

Why must we fight about this. Alternative therapies can go hand in hand with the modern medical world. They can complement each other, they can enhance the benefits of each.

Your job, right now today, is to get and maintain the healthiest body possible. If at some time in the future you have a problem, see a medical professional. Find one that believes in both therapies and work with that professional and associates to regain your health.

Cancer Treatment Alternative or Standard

If you follow the news you know about the child whose family is refusing chemotherapy for his cancer. Right or Wrong. We have all read the results of surveys that state 3 out of 4 doctors would not consider chemo as a cancer treatment.

Chemo may be the best treatment on some cancers but not all of them. What are the statistics on this cancer and chemo? Chemo is a cocktail of chemicals that doctors hope will kill cancer cells before it kills the patient.

There are people alive today who made the choice to go with chemo.

My thoughts on this are on the quality of life. If chemo extends life by 1 month this is a good thing or is it. If there is no quality of life, no ability to think or move and the only thing you are aware of is pain -- is that quality of life.

My father died of lung cancer - official cause of death.........

As sometimes happens, my post became much too long for the blog. The entire article is on the website.

until next time - smile and think positive
Sharon Info

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