Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Coffee and Skin Cancer

A couple of news tips:

Coffee, Exercise Fight Skin Cancer

Coffee is quickly rising from the rank of nutritional “bad boy” to super-nutrient star status. A new study shows that a double espresso daily combined with exercise can prevent skin cancer. It joins other studies that show coffee helps keep a myriad of diseases, including diabetes, colon cancer, Parkinson’s, and liver cancer, at bay, while protecting the memory of older women.

I did an experiment with artificial coffee creamer - read the results at Belly Fat Blues Blog.

and from the Migraine world,2933,292892,00.html
Women whose migraine headaches produce visual symptoms, referred to as "auras," may be at an increased risk for stroke in comparison to women who do not have migraines, a new study says.

And smoking and oral contraceptives increase this risk, according to a recent report in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Women who experienced more recent migraines with aura symptoms (within the last year) are almost seven times more likely to have a stroke compared to women with no history of migraines, said Steven Kittner, M.D., M.P.H., senior author of the study and staff physician at Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center, in a news release.

“Eight percent of stroke cases had onset of probable migraine with visual symptoms in the prior year compared to one percent of controls," he said.

But Kittner said the most "important" finding is that women who have these types of migraines and also smoked and used oral contraceptives had seven times the risk of stroke than women who had just the migraines with visual symptoms alone.

An excerpt from an article on heart disease and belly fat

“Fat that accumulates around your waist seems to be more biologically active as it secretes inflammatory proteins that contribute to atherosclerotic plaque buildup, whereas fat around your hips doesn’t appear to increase risk for cardiovascular disease at all,” Dr. de Lemos said. “We think the key message for people is to prevent accumulation of central fat early on in their lives. To do so, they will need to develop lifelong dietary and exercise habits that prevent the development of the ‘pot belly.’”

I find it most astonishing that medical science is amazed that men and women are different. Their research is showing that men and women process nutrients differently and have different reactions to drugs and fat build up. Any non-medical person in the world could have told them that and would not have needed million dollar grants to get the research to prove it.

Why is it that the medical community will not believe anything that does not have a research document? And why is it that this same community will believe anything in a research document without questioning the way the results were obtained?

until next time - smile
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