Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Health News Scare Tactics

What is in the health news today. The usual take heed this will kill you stuff. Why does everything "newsworthy" have to be presented in a frightening way. Is that the only way people will pay attention.

The very healthiest thing you can do for yourself is keep a positive attitude. Believe that you are well and you have 75% of the battle won. The rest is common sense. Eat healthy which means avoiding fast foods, frozen dinners, sugary drinks and the wonderful fried stuff. If it is so bad for you, why does it have to taste so good.

In my opinion, the simple act of thinking that what you are eating will kill you, invites the mind to set up just that scenario.

Anyway, it is not just food and drink that you have to worry about. Going to the beach - beware the fabled -----sand holes. They kill more people, especially children, than any group of sharks every dreamed of killing.

Rules, never get in a sand hole deeper than your knees. Sand collapses very quickly and leaves no bumps to tell you where your small child is buried. Of course you should never allow children to play on the beach unattended. That means you can't sit there and read a book or take a nap. All those "oh that is so sad" stories all have one thing in common, we think to ourselves -- that could never happen to me or those things happen to other people. Remember, that is only true if you do your own due diligence.

Are you following the bee colony collapse problem. Read an article this am that the organic bee keepers are not having any problems. It is the commercial bee keepers, with genetically altered bees that feed on genetically altered crops that are having the problem. Hmmmm.


Very nice report on some natural herbal supplements that help control what your body does with all that sugar.

The Japanese are working on a Mulberry supplement that defeats sugar in the battle to turn your body into a diabetic kingdom. Since the mulberry supplement is not readily available you will want to use what is for the time being. Try

* Nopal cactus (helps lower blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels while blocking the absorption of fat)

* Konjac mannan (helps improve insulin resistance and lowers triglycerides)

* Gymnema sylvestre (helps reduce sugar cravings while stimulating insulin secretion)

I use the Nopal Cactus and the Gymnema Sylvestre. Think I will check out the Konjac as well. There is no substitute for eliminating sugar from your diet, but if you can't quite yet, then truly you need these supplements. However, they will not completely negate the sugar you ingest.

Along that line, take a look at this article on a prescription drug for diabetes.

Article from Times on Line

The drug companies may be coming out with high priced effective drugs to manage diabetes but the additional cost is an early heart attack. The whole thing is so sad because it is a simple fix in the early stages by just managing your diet. That leads to a whole different issue -- why can't we as human beings give up the sugar. Is sugar the ultimate comfort food in a stressed out world?

Relieve a little stress with this funny video.

If you are an eBay fan check out this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCIp7eo4MvY

You have your laugh for the day that you can share with those you care about. Now let me give you something to think about.

Eli Cohen wrote. Without continuous personal development you are now all that you will ever become.

until next time - smile
(c)copyright Answers For Your Health



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