Thursday, August 09, 2007

Do You Think You Are Healthy?

There are three groups in the world -- those who think they are healthy and are not, those who think they are healthy and are and those who know they are not healthy.

Everyone wants to be healthy. Everyone wants to keep all those bad habits that lead to an unhealthy condition.

I was talking with a friend who is very health conscious. He does cardio exercises everyday. Red meat has not touched his lips in years. One glass of wine a day.Herbal supplements and vitamins used everyday. Walks two miles every day. Here is one healthy guy, right.

I asked him why he was using a flavored artificial creamer in his coffee. I pointed out that it is full of junk and in fact contributes to the storage of fat. His reply, it tastes so darn good.

Lets take a quick look at the food he eats - artificial sugars, margarine, low fat milk and cheese, no eggs. Oh, I might add, he appears totally calm always but is under tremendous stress.

He falls in the first category. His meals rarely have fresh fruit and vegetables. He worries about his family history of disease. He relies too heavily on supplements from a bottle to meet his body's needs. He does not deal with his stress, he suppresses it and denies it.

Of all of these what do I think is the most damaging - his stress. Knowing what your parents and grandparents died from can increase your worry level. If you determine in your own mind that genetically you are pre-disposed to a certain disease or dysfunction, then you increase your chances of fulfilling that prophesy.

If there is one supplement you take to specifically prevent one specific condition, then each time you take it -- your mind says pill X is to not get disease X and since the mind recognizes positives over negatives - the mind says get disease X. Over simplified but you get the idea.

Try to remember that your gene pool is very large. You had two parents and they each had two parents and so on up the chain. I had one grandmother who lived to be in her 90's and was active and alert right to the end. Her heart finally gave out. My other grandmother died at a very early age and was an alcoholic. The family never talked about her much as she walked out on her 4 children when they were very small. I have no idea what exactly killed her but she was only in her late 30's.

The basics of health and longevity have always been and will always be your level of exercise and the food and liquid you put in your body. The contributing factors always include all the damages that have been inflicted on your body. Everything from sunburn to sprained knee. Over the years you have breathed insecticide, exhaust fumes, and cig smoke. You have ingested gallons of chlorine and fluoride.

Your body has responded every time with healing. You may not be happy with how the body has protected itself -- increased belly fat to isolate toxins -- but you have to acknowledge that the body is basically doing its job to the best of its ability.

Did you think I was telling you to not take supplements? Never.

Supplements are the support for your support system. They take up the slack created by fruits and vegetables that do not contain the maximum nutrition.

The aging process includes reduced amounts of certain hormones and enzymes that in turn cause more aging. Sort of a chicken or egg scenario. Which comes first. Your body loses the ability to heal itself because it lacks the necessary daily nutrition.

Our goal should be to remain as healthy as possible today. This body today. Nobody lives forever. Sounds kinda funny, but do you want to die of old age still active or do you want to die too young and sick and feeble.

Hospital joke for you

Hospital regulations require a wheelchair for patients being discharged. However, while working as a student nurse, I found one elderly gentleman--already dressed and sitting on the bed with a suitcase at his feet--who insisted he didn't need my help to leave the hospital.

After a chat about rules being rules, he reluctantly let me wheel him to the elevator. At the exit I asked him if his wife was meeting him.

"I don't know," he said. "She's still upstairs in the bathroom changing out of her hospital gown."

What's on your list of healthy today? Is it vitamins, herbal supplements, a walk around the block, lifting weights, meditation or a healthy meal. All of the above, good for you.

until next time - smile
(c)copyright Answers For Your Health



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wrote: each time you take it -- your mind says pill X is to not get disease X and since the mind recognizes positives over negatives - the mind says get disease X. Over simplified but you get the idea.

Dear Sharon, that insight is totally brilliant! Another reason to focus on health building rather than disease treating or even preventing. Did you come up with this yourself?

6:11 AM  

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