Tuesday, December 19, 2006

OverWeight--How long will you live?

I love the on line tests for health and longevity. You can be absolutely honest and see the answers without having to reveal yourself to anyone or your family. My Long Life is a simple on line test. You move the slide buttons and see how long you can expect to live. Then you can add in the advances in technology that can extend your life.

However, what I liked best about this particular test was the ability to take your not so good answers (you know the ones on weight and exercise and diet and smoking) and change them. Say losing weight --- changing that slide shows a dramatic change in life expectancy.

Perhaps it is the visual time line that really makes the impact. If you think of your life as a series of pages in a book----being over weight is like tearing out the last pages or maybe the last few chapters. Oh my gosh, how many Christmas mornings will you miss out on.

Depressing you say, No Joyful I say. You are alive. You can change. You and only you can put that food in your mouth. You and only you can change the odds and add the years.

until next time - smile
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