Thursday, March 30, 2006

Great Expectations It Is Up To You

It has certainly been a while since I posted. I picked up a tummy bug. Just the garden variety ate at a restaurant type bug. I know restaurants try to be as clean as possible but especially the buffet style or salad bar can so quickly turn to a bacteria nightmare. You watch all those small children handling the food with their bare hands. That is why the signs say that children must be accompanied by an adult. This will be the last time I eat buffet style. I watched adults sneeze and cough into the food. I watched adults handling food with their bare hands. How can we possibly teach our children by anything but example.

I have a very strong system and don't usually fall prey to something like this. I wonder how eating there affected everyone else. Oh well, I have been taking my probiotics and will be right as rain.

Fun little link for you. It tells you how old you were when big events took place.

Realize you can't change the past,
but you can start a new tomorrow.
Don't try to do everything at once;
take one step at a time,

and this

We can't fear the past. Fear is a future thing. And since the future's all in our heads, fear must be a head thing.

Tom Payne Career Development Expert

I really like these two quotes. I quite often find myself going over past events wishing I had taken a different path. Since that is impossible, I try to refocus on not repeating mistakes and looking forward to the future.

For most of us, we have to accept responsibility for where we are today including the mistakes that have put us in a over weight body or deeply in debt. Accepting that responsibility frees us to make changes.

If you are blaming someone else or just the universe in general, you are making yourself a slave to someone else. You are giving them permission to run your life.

Claim your freedom. Plan and then implement your changes. Enjoy the small steps.

When you have days that it seems just too easy to allow yourself to slip back into the slave mentality --- and you will have those days --- shake it off as soon as possible. Look at the changes you have already made and know that you are the master of your own life. It is not easy. It is worth the effort.

Perhaps if you remember that you cannot change anyone else it will help. Those around you may take offense at your changed attitude. That is their problem and they will have to come to terms with it. Don't try to put yourself in the position of being their master.

Life is all about change. Just look at the seasons that mother nature has put in place. We need change or we grow stagnant. Give yourself the freedom to choose at least some of your changes.

I will stop today with one last quote.

I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do.

Helen Keller 1880-1968, Author and Lecturer

If Helen Keller could take responsibility for her own life, certainly you and I can do no less.

until next time - smile

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Secret

I have to share with you the Secret. It has been a glorious day. Have you spent any time wondering what your purpose in life is or why something happened to you? I have been wondering about my own purpose. Going through trials can make you question who and what you are and even why you are. My purpose, my joy is to share information on what can keep you healthy, what can restore your health. I am the first to say my joy is increased when I make money from my writing.

Please check out this link. This online movie has the potential to allow you to change your life. It will not conflict with any religion. It most likely will conflict with your current beliefs about your life. I guarantee it will leave you feeling glorious. When you finish reading the blog, scroll back up here and just click.

What Is The Secret

Joke of the day

You might be from a small town if:

1. You can name everyone you graduated with

2. You get a whiff of manure and think of home

3. You know what 4-H is

4. You ever went to "headlight parties"

5. You used to drag "main"

6. You said the 'f' word and your parents knew within the hour

7. You schedule parties around the schedule of different police officers, since you know which ones will bust you and which ones won't

8. You ever went cow-tipping

9. You have ever partied with a guy who is 25, has no job, but is the 'buyer' for all of the best parties

10. You have parties at the same guy's house

12. School gets cancelled for state sporting events

13. The town social events are their children's

14. You could never buy cigarettes because all the store clerks knew how old you were (and, if you were old enough, they'd tell your parents, anyhow)

15. When you did find someone old enough and brave enough to buy smokes, you still had to go out to the country and drive on back roads to smoke them

16. Social acceptance in town depended on the approval of the five old (but rich) hags that met each morning at the donut shop for the latest smut

17. You were ever in the Homecoming parade

18. You have ever gone home for Homecoming

19. You fix up to go buy milk lest anyone starts the rumor that you have gained weight or quit taking care of youself

20. No place sells gas on Sunday

21. Friday nights fun consisted of standing in line for the one screen theater and since it was sold out, watching truckers and drinking coffee at the truck stop (the only place open after 10)

22. You have to drive an hour to buy a pair of socks

23. It was cool to date someone from the neighboring town

24. You have ever gone for a walk in the cemetery, on a date

25. You ordered your waredrobe out of a catalog

26. You had senior skip day

27. The whole school went to the same party after graduation

28. The only 'clique' that nobody would be nice to was the skurves across the street

30. You don't give directions by street names or house numbers, but you give directions by references (turn by Armstrongs' Liquor, go two blocks past Andersons', and it's four houses
left of the track field)

I never knew just a small my hometown was.

This in from Dr Ingils even more important heart disease risk factor is inflammation, which both promotes the formation of artery damaging plaque and its sudden rupture, which can instantly block off an artery and cause a heart attack. One of the best markers for inflammation is a substance called C-reactive protein (CRP). The good news is that you can control it -- and cholesterol -- both of these dangerous conditions with a few easy, and tasty, changes to your daily diet.

Here're a few simple tips:

  • Focus on a plant-based diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (become a veggie expert!)
  • Get enough healthy fat -- olive and small amounts of butter
  • Opt for moderate amounts of natural or organic meat and dairy foods
  • Eat fish a least once a week
  • Add some soy protein to your diet if you like it
To get all of these healthy foods, try my daily favorite five: a handful of nuts, a square or two of dark chocolate, a mug of tea (black, green, or red), a serving of berries, and a glass of wine (or concord grape juice). You'll get plenty of fiber and plant sterols, which lower cholesterol, plus a satisfying dose of healthy fats and disease fighting antioxidants, which douse inflammation and please your palate to boot.

In the study that pitted a diet including these foods against a popular cholsterol lowering "statin" drug, participants saw their LDL cholesterol (that's the bad kind) and their CRP drop by around 30 percent -- same as the drug, but cheaper, tastier and whole lot more fun (and without the risk of dangerous side effects).

from Nutri-Health comes this information that just might answer why you are putting on pounds.

...What are Trans Fats? Transfatty acids are a type of man-made fat that is found in margarine and other hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. The process of turning a naturally liquid vegetable oil into a solid fat adds a hook to the molecule of fat.

That hook attaches onto cells in the body so that the body cannot process the fat as it normally would.

This "hooked molecule" causes constant irritation and inflammation in the body.It is one of the causes of low level or chronic inflammation that may be the root cause of many degenerative diseases: Heart Disease, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Cancer, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Allergies and many others.

The National Academy of Science's Institute of Medicine has declared, There is no safe level of trans fatty acids.

Food that has less than .5 grams per serving does not have to be labeled. Watch out for Artificial Creamer. It has .5 grams of trans fatty acids per teaspoon and is not labeled. If you load up your coffee several times a day with several teaspoons, you may be getting 9 or 10 grams a day or more of dangerous trans fats from creamer alone!

I gave up artificial creamers about 3 months ago. I am just now beginning to see a drop in weight. So get rid of the junk and just give your body time to re-adjust to healthy eating and drinking.

until next time - smile. And go see the Secret!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Fitness and Exercise Heart Disease and CoQ10

Today the article is Stop Disease in Its Tracks. A little info on CoQ10. The usual jokes, a very inspirational story and some information on the symptoms of heart attack in women. Women do not have the same physical symptoms as men and your doctor could miss something very important.

I love this joke. I have it on my website jokes page and I have been seeing it on the net lately so thought I would publish it here.

A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller. He can see from her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack.

"Miss Whack, I'd like to get a $30,000 loan to take a holiday."

Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name.
The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger, and that it's okay, he knows the bank manager. Patty explains that he will need to secure the loan with some collateral.

The frog says, "Sure. I have this," and produces a tiny porcelain elephant, about an inch tall, bright pink and perfectly formed.

Very confused, Patty explains that she'll have to consult with the bank manager and disappears into a back office.

She finds the manager and says,

"There's a frog called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants to borrow $30,000, and he wants to use this as collateral."

She holds up the tinypink elephant.
"I mean, what in the world is this?"

The bank manager looks back at her and says...

"It's a knickknack, Patty Whack. Give the frog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone."

(You're singing it, aren't you? Yeah, I know you are........)
Never take life too seriously! Come on now, you grinned,
I know you did!!!

Stop Disease in its Tracks with Fitness and Exercise

Exercise can prevent disease. A proven fact, and yet more Americans than ever are suffering from obesity. Even if you believe the new research that claims to demonstrate that obesity is connected to a specific virus, you must still take the cure into your own hands. Fitness and Exercise are your primary antiviral agents.

Being over weight has become an American way of life. Many point to sedentary lifestyles, working in front of computers, and watching too much television as a primary cause of the increasing obesity rate. In addition, many Americans eat diets high in fat and carbohydrates.

Whatever the root causes fitness and exercise can be a major part of the cure for this problem. Fitness and exercise help control blood sugar. A diabetic who takes medication daily may find that less medication is needed with a regular exercise program. Diabetics who stay with a good fitness – that is your daily diet and exercise program may find that they are able to quit the medication and get their diabetes under control in a totally natural way.

High triglycerides are linked to heart disease, including heart attacks and strokes. Again we go to a natural way to reduce your level of triglycerides by simply beginning and sticking with a fitness and exercise program, while eating a sensible diet. Triglycerides at too high a level are also linked to high blood sugar, and it is common for diabetics to have high triglyceride levels.

Just getting active can help a person lose weight, control triglyceride levels and improve diabetes. Of course, a good diet rich in vegetables and fruits, foods that aren't fried, and limited starches play a big role in your health. How can you feel like going out and being active if your stomach is stuffed with heavy food?

Read the rest of the article at Answers For Your Disease in its Tracks

I am putting up a new section on the web site about the Best Supplements. So far the only thing I have is on CoQ10 but go check it out. There will be more.


Who I am Makes a Difference

A teacher in New York decided to honor each of her seniors in High School by telling them the difference each of them had made. She called each student to the front of the class, one at a time.

First, she told each of them how they had made a difference to her, and the class. Then she presented each of them with a blue ribbon, imprinted with gold letters, which read, "Who I Am Makes a Difference."

Afterwards, the teacher decided to do a class project, to see what kind of impact recognition would have on a Community. She gave each of the students three more blue ribbons, and instructed them to go out and spread this acknowledgment ceremony.

Then they were to follow up on the results, see who honored whom, and report back to the class in about a week.

One of the boys in the class went to a junior executive in a nearby Company, and honored him for helping him with his career planning. He gave him a blue ribbon, and put it on his shirt. Then he gave him two extra ribbons and said, "We're doing a class project on recognition, and we'd like for you to go out, find somebody to honor, give them a blue ribbon, then give them the extra blue ribbon so they can acknowledge a third person, to keep this acknowledgment
ceremony going. Then please report back to me and tell me what happened."

Later that day, the junior executive went in to see his boss,who had been noted, by the way, as being kind of a grouchy fellow. He sat his boss down, and he told him that he deeply admired him for being a creative genius. The boss seemed very surprised. The junior executive asked him if he would accept the gift of the blue ribbon, and would he give him permission to put it on him. His surprised boss said, "Well, sure." The junior executive took the blue ribbon and placed it right on his boss's jacket, above his heart.

As he gave him the last extra ribbon, he said, "Would you take this extra ribbon, and pass it on by honoring somebody else. The young boy who first gave me the ribbons is doing a project in school, and we want to keep this recognition ceremony going and find out how it affects people."

That night, the boss came home to his 14-year-old son, and sat him down. He said, "The most incredible thing happened to me today. I was in my office, and one of the junior executives came in and told me he admired me, and gave me a blue ribbon for being a creative genius. Imagine! He thinks I'm a creative genius!

Then he put this blue ribbon that says, "Who I Am Makes a Difference", on my jacket above my heart. He gave me an extra ribbon and asked me to find somebody else to honor. As I was driving home tonight, I started thinking about whom I would honor with this ribbon, and I thought about you.

I want to honor you. My days are really hectic and when I come home, I don't pay a lot of attention to you. Sometimes I scream at you for not getting good enough grades in school, and for your bedroom being a mess. But somehow tonight, I just wanted to sit here and, well, just let you know that you do make a difference to me. Besides your mother, you are the most important person in my life. You're a great kid, and I love you!"

The startled boy started to sob and sob, and he couldn't stop crying. His whole body shook. He looked up at his father and said through his tears, "Dad, earlier tonight I sat in my room and wrote a letter to you and Mom, explaining why I had killed myself, and I asked you to forgive me. I was going to commit suicide tonight after you were asleep. I just didn't think that you cared at all. The letter is upstairs. I don't think I need it after all." His father walked upstairs and found a heartfelt letter full of anguish and pain.

The boss went back to work a changed man. He was no longer a grouch, but made sure to let all of his employees know that they made a difference. The junior executive helped several other young people with career planning, and never forgot to let them know that they made a difference in his being the boss' son. And the young boy and his classmates learned a valuable lesson, "Who you are DOES make a difference".

You are under no obligation to pass this on to anyone....... not to two people, or to two hundred.
As far as I am concerned, you can forget it and move on. On the other hand, if you want, you could send it to all of the people who mean something to you, or send it to the one, two, or three people who mean the most. Or, just smile and know that someone thinks that you are important, or you wouldn't have received this in the first place. Who you are does make a difference, and I wanted you to know that. Isn't this a wonderful story? I'm passing the blue ribbon to you, for who YOU are does make a difference, too.

Wouldn't it be great if we each made 3 blue ribbons to give away? Who knows what kind of difference it might make in someone's life. But at least tell someone this story and tell them if you had a ribbon you would gladly give it to him or her.

Women - Do you know these facts about possible Heart Attack?

The standard tests to diagnose heart disease, designed for men, just don't work for women.
Women usually have plaque buildups in smaller blood vessels (a.k.a. ischemia) and these are quite often missed completely by routine angiographies.

This condition, called coronary microvascular syndrome (CMS), affects around 3 million women in the U.S. It increases risk of heart attack and death. Women who've gotten an all clear after an angiogram remain at risk.

If you have symptoms of heart disease -- including chest pain, swelling (especially in the lower legs and ankles), dizziness, shortness of breath, or chronic fatigue -- and your doctor can't find any significant blockages when running an angiogram, don't stop there. Don't let your doctor just blow you off with the --you are getting older-- statement. Ask about CMS. Your symptoms are real and they need investigation.

until next time - smile

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Wrinkles, Great Links, Losing More Weight and more

Wrinkles and Over 40 Skin Care Book
I just got finished fixing this so you can actually read it. There was some problems with my html codes and the pages would not come up correctly. Please try again to see this book.

Bunches of stuff today including a link to a site that will tell you where the best gas prices in your zip code are.


Regardless of how you feel inside, always try to look like a winner. Even if you are behind, a sustained look of control and confidence can give you a mental edge that results in victory."
Arthur Ashe
1943-1993, Professional Tennis Player


"We all get heavier as we get older because there's a lot more information in our heads.".......

So I'm not fat, I'm just really intelligent and my head couldn't hold anymore so it started filling up the rest of me!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Great News for you. Please check out the Money For College Mall.

My opening this mall does 3 things. First you get great prices on all the stuff you are already planning on buying. You can get them at a lower price than most of your local stores. Second, I satisfy the IRS requirement that I have something to sell. Third, this is a fundraiser mall - so 50% of the profit on every purchase goes to my daughter's college expenses.

This is not cheesy stuff. Books | Movies | Music | Home & Office | Electronics | Half Off | Closeouts | Puzzles & Posters | Hardware | Fancy Fragrances | Video Games All top of the line.

We are always looking for Barney or Dora or Care Bear movies for the kids. I found them ALL at the College Money Mall. And they were cheaper than the store we usually buy from. I even found Bringing Up Baby - Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn. This is one of my favorite movies and I have not been able to find it anywhere. The copy at the rent a movie store is so used it is not worth watching.

So -- please, if you purchase on line, please support this fundraiser. Take a quick look, don't spend an hour there like I did. Next time you need to purchase for yourself or a gift - remember the College Money Mall. Spread the word. There is a better place to shop.

My daughter and I thank you.
Three blondes died in a car crash trying to jump the Grand Canyon and are at the pearly gates of heaven. St.Peter tells them that they can enter the gates if they can answer one simple question.

St. Peter asks the first blonde, "What is Easter?" The blonde replies, "Oh, that's easy! It's the holiday in November when everyone gets together, eats turkey, and are thankful..." "Wrong!, You must go to HELL" replies St. Peter, and proceeds to ask the second blonde the same question, "What is Easter?" The second blonde replies, "Easter is the holiday in December when we put up a nice tree, exchange presents, and celebrate the birth of Jesus." St. Peter looks at the second blonde, bangs his head in disgust on the Pearly Gates, tells her she's wrong and to go to HELL, and then peers over his glasses at the third blonde and asks,

"What is Easter?" The third blonde smiles confidently and looks St. Peter in the eyes, "I know what Easter is." "Oh?" says St. Peter, incredulously.

"Easter is the Christian holiday that coincides with the Jewish celebration of Passover. Jesus and his disciples were eating at the last supper and Jesus was later deceived and turned over to the Romans by one of his disciples. The Romans took him to be crucified and he was stabbed in the side, made to wear a crown of thorns, and was hung on a cross with nails through his hands. He was buried in a nearby cave which was sealed off by a large boulder." St. Peter smiles broadly with delight. The third blonde continues, "Every year the boulder is moved aside so that Jesus can come out... and, if he sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter." Hey I don't write them, I just pass them on.

A huge study of more than 40,000 women found that taking 100 mg of aspirin every other day did nothing to prevent heart attacks or even protect against death from heart disease. This strategy may work for men, but the study proves it doesn't work for women. On top of that, the women who did take aspirin had more gastrointestinal bleeding -- not enough to put them in the hospital, but no internal bleeding is really good for you.

The study did find that taking low doses of aspirin every other day could slightly reduce the risk of stroke, though. If you have other risk factors for stroke (like being at least 55 years old, a family history of strokes, or diabetes), you can ask your doctor if an aspirin regimen could help protect you.

For heart disease, though, women have to look elsewhere for protection. And your best protection is a healthy lifestyle that includes a sensible diet, plenty of exercise, and a daily dose of relaxation.

In fact, another very big study found that regular exercise substantially cuts down your risk of cardiac death. A study of almost 70,000 women found that exercising as little as four hours a week could reduce their risk of sudden cardiac death by 50 percent. More exercise reduced that risk even more: Working out for more than seven hours a week knocked it down by 66 percent.

Fidgeting can help you burn up to 350 extra calories every day. That means you could lose a whole pound every 10 days just by wiggling around while you watch TV or surf the Internet.
Dr. Alan Inglis
House Calls


Someone sent me this link. It finds the cheapest gas station near you.

Just plug your zip code in and it'll tell you the lowest -- and highest -- price in your area. Check it out.


I have been working on my web site. Trying to get a little more organized. I am working on moving the content of the old newsletters to the web pages since the newsletters aren't available anymore.

I was reading something today that said a blog is not good enough. That I should still be publishing a newsletter. I would have to ask you the many readers if that is what you want. I am looking at how difficult it is to get anything delivered by email. And the word is that AOL and Yahoo will soon be charging for delivery of commercial email. I can do a sort of recap page on the website that gives the high lights of the week's blogs. Such a quandry.

until next time - smile

Monday, March 13, 2006

ruidoso new mexico real estate

I was looking at what people are interested in reading about this morning and came across this term - ruidoso new mexico real estate. What a small world. I once upon a time long ago and far away - lived in a little town in New Mexico named Roswell. You may know it as the UFO town.

About an hour away up in the mountains is a lovely resort town Ruidoso. Thirty years ago I had the opportunity of buying a very nice large lot with a small cabin for $1,000. In my foolish youth I saw no reason to do so. That same lot today is selling for about 40,000.

I have spent many summers there at the race track and a few winters at the ski slopes. I have a time share there now that I paid more for than the lot and cabin.

I imagine we all have a similar story about a lost opportunity. As we grow older and have the chance to look back we can see a lot of miscalculations or just stupidity.

Our health falls in that same category. The lack of good nutrition and sleep contributed to all those small aches and pains we feel today. I can't still buy that lot for $1,000 but I can still make changes in my general health. I can repair the damage of sleepless weekends and so can you.

It is never too late to take advantage of the opportunity to invest in ourselves and our families. Begin with the mental attitude of positive acceptance of where you are knowing you can make it better. Add to that a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and throw in some exercise. Move your body. Get some hand weights and use them when you are watching TV. Take a break from the computer or your work desk and stretch and walk around for a few minutes.

If you are ever in New Mexico, take the time to check out Ruidoso. It has pure air, passable food and delightful people. The race track ain't bad either. Just a short distance away is Lincoln where you can visit the jail that Billy the Kid broke out of - you get to stick your finger in the bullet holes in the wall.

I love Texas, but I do miss the mountains.

Until next time - smile.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Aloe Vera and Life in General

Today's story is about Aloe Vera and Life in General. I was sitting outside this morning watching the girls play in the back yard. Directly in front of me was a clump of Aloe Vera that has been growing in my yard for several years.

It started out as a couple of nice little plants in a low planter. It spread rapidly, broke out of the planter box and invaded the yard. Now it covers a almost square area of about 2 feet by 2 feet. Every year it blooms tall spiky flowers. It provides sunburn relief and rapid healing for little scrapes and cuts. It is also home to little gecko lizards.

After a long dry winter with a couple of freezing mornings, the poor plants look very sad.

It has brown spots and dried shriveled leaves. It looks dead. It is choked with dead grass and leaves from the trees.

When I looked at it, I said to myself - that is me. Yes I was a little down this morning - another set back from the IRS. I went over to the plant to feel sorry for it. Guess what. Down at the bottom at the BASE it is green and growing. It is not dead only preparing for another go round in life. Yes I need to thin it out and get all that garbage out of the way.

Spring time - maybe it is time for you to compare yourself to that Aloe Vera. You started out in a little place and every time you grew and learned you pushed yourself out of the box. Maybe now you are getting a few brown spots. Maybe you don't look as young or vigorous as you once did. But there is still life to be lived and at your base you are strong and ready to move onward. Maybe you need a little thinning, maybe you need to get rid of some choking garbage.

Now is a good time to take stock. Throw away the garbage that is cluttering up the view. Thin out those overwhelming I Shoulds. Prepare for new growth - maybe it is time to break out of the box again.

Bet you thought I forgot your joke.

How can you tell that your blonde secretary has been typing on
your computer?

White-out on the screen!

How can you tell she's made the corrections?

She wrote over the white out!

until next time - smile

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Answers For Your Health Survival Guide - Probiotics: "Remember In War of the Worlds, the invaders were stopped by simple little bacteria that inhabit our bodys with no ill effects. Probiotics are some of those simple little bacteria that live in the intestines and really keep our bodies running in a healthy way.

If you have ever had a round of antibiotics, that completely wiped you clean and probably gave you a good case of diarrhea. Most people know to eat some yogurt when taking an antibiotic just to avoid this.

Probiotics are those little bacteria numbering in the billions that help you live a good healthy life. They help to process food and enhance the absorption of B vitamins. You can end the chronic yeast infection that plagues you by simply starting a daily long term use of probiotics.

Hopefully, you are getting some of these little probiotic gems in your daily yogurt, sour cream, sauerkraut -- basically fermented foods.

However, if you had the bad luck to get a cold or flu that involved diarrhea, you depleted your supply of probiotics. They can live in a healthy gut for 7-10 days, so they do need regular replacement.

If you are on one of those 'diets', that call for excessive bowel movements, you are certainly depleting your supply of health bacteria.

Read the rest ---

Joke of the day!!

Jack wakes up with a huge hangover after attending his company's
Christmas Party. Jack is not normally a drinker, but the drinks
didn't taste like alcohol at all. He didn't even remember how he
got home from the party. As bad as he was feeling, he wondered
if he did something wrong. Jack had to force himself to open his
eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins next to a
glass of water on the side table.

And, next to them, a single red rose!

Jack sits up and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and

He looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order,
spotlessly clean.

So is the rest of the house. He takes the aspirins, cringes when
he sees a huge black eye staring back at him in the bathroom

Then he notices a note hanging on the corner of the mirror
written in red with little hearts on it and a kiss mark from his
wife in lipstick!:

"Honey, breakfast is on the stove. I left early to go get groceries
to make you your favorite dinner tonight. love you, darling! Love,

He stumbles to the kitchen and sure enough, there is hot breakfast,
steaming hot coffee, and the morning newspaper.

His son is also at the table, eating.

Jack asks, "Son... what happened last night?"

"Well, you came home after 3 A.M., drunk and out of your mind.
You fell over the coffee table and broke it, and then you puked in
the hallway, and got that black eye when you ran into the door."

Confused he asked his son, "So, why is everything in such perfect
order, so clean, I have a rose, and breakfast is on the table
waiting for me?"

His son replies, "Oh THAT!... Mom dragged you to the bedroom,
and when she tried to take your pants off, you screamed, "Leave
me alone, lady, I'm married!

Broken Coffee Table $239.00

Hot Breakfast $14.20

Two Aspirins: $0.38

Saying the right thing, at the right time . . . Priceless

I have some fine inspirational stuff for you. During the past couple of weeks while I have been stressing over the IRS audit, a friend of mine has sent me something every day just to bring a smile to my face.

I wish you happiness...
the kind that is deep within your soul and shines through your eyes for the world to see.

I wish you serenity and a sense of perspective, to calm you and lend you understanding even in the most difficult times.

I wish you success in every facet of your life, and satisfaction and contentment in every single thing you do.

I wish you sweet dreams and the promise of their fulfillment, a lifetime of extraordinary memories, and a path that leads to beautiful tomorrows.

And above all I wish that you could see... how big a difference you make in my life and how grateful I am to know you!

Whatever your goal,
stay relaxed enough to enjoy it,
and focused enough to accomplish it.

until next time - smile

Monday, March 06, 2006

Strenght training is fat fighter and the IRS

Weighty Fix for Women's Midlife Fat: "In the SHE study, women stayed leaner as they got older if they did regular weight training, even without dieting. Key benefits were deep inside the belly, where fat is linked to greater risk of heart disease."

Interesting article this. Get those hand weights out ladies.

Well, for those of you that are interested, my tax audit was today. I owe the IRS about $4,000. They wanted to know if I would like to just pay that in one payment. On the other hand I am considered a business, on the other hand, stuff I was listing as an expense is not. All the books and courses I took to learn how to do business on the internet--- are not deductible. They are considered just a personal desire to better myself.

The amount owed is mostly due to an incorrect placement of a number on the form at TaxAct. It caused a number to show up twice. There are still two receipts that I am missing that could increase the $4000. I have until Friday to come up with them.

Anyway any how, this is the last rant on the IRS. Back to business which is giving you information. I am thinking about creating blogs dedicated to just one aspect such as women over 40 or bad breath or men's health or pets. This blog would remain open to many subjects. If I go that route, I will certainly let you know so that you can sign up for one of the other blogs if it should interest you.

I could really use some feedback here. What subjects are you interested in?

until next time - smile
