Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Obesity linked to Alzheimer's and Disability

Two interesting studies on Obesity and the links to Alzheimer's and disability.

My oldest daughter is caught in the insidious cycle of insulin not behaving as it should. She is overweight and nothing seems to help. The doctors are running test after test. She is not diabetic yet but has a family history on her father's side. Even though she is watching what she eats - the pounds keep adding on. Most distressing.

It is all too easy to put on a few pounds intending to take them off next week. It is all too easy to put off doing any exercise today which turns into not doing any exercise for weeks on end.

One day you wake up and look in the mirror and the goblins have exchanged that beautiful healthy body for an obese caricature. Don't let those goblins win - FIGHT BACK. Change your diet and start to exercise even 10 minutes a day - everyday.

Obese Likely to Spend Last Years Disabled

Obesity Today, Alzheimer's Disease Tomorrow?


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