Saturday, August 06, 2005

Obesity and Cancer

Another scare to give you nightmares. A study in Australia has built a strong case for a link between obesity and leukemia.

The whole thing comes down to this. Your body is a very efficient machine that will mend itself. This leads to a long life. But, like any machine, it needs the right fuel and care.

If you put sugar in your gas tank, I don't think your car will go very far. Just not the right fuel. Same thing applies to your body.

Look at it another way - You have one hour. You must - wash the car, mow the yard, vacuum the house, shop for groceries and cook a meal for 12 people. Obviously most of those items are not going to be done or at best they will be done half-way.

Your body has the same decisions to make. You give it just so much in good fuel and maintenance and the rest is junk and sitting on your bottom. Your body must decide what part of itself it will sacrifice to maintain life.

Those simple little cells are the first to suffer and before you know it they have been invaded by other cells that are not life giving. Half way repaired cells don't do a very good job of keeping you young or active. Damaged cells that are not repaired become the home to tumors and cysts.

Why should your brain be bothered by trying to keep you walking without pain or effort when you make no effort to do any exercise?

Oh yes, we live longer now than 50 years ago - But at what cost. What quality of life in being tied to a machine that keeps your body alive but not moving. Where is the challenge to the brain that makes life interesting and worth living.

Wake up - start right now this minute to make some changes. What are you drinking? Go pour it out and get a nice glass of water. Your cells will thank you. - News: Weight gain increases leukemia risk - News: Weight gain increases leukemia risk


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