Friday, August 05, 2005

Restless Legs Syndrome I Conquered IT

If you have ever gone to bed, so tired you could hardly keep your eyes open, and find that as soon as you put your head down, your legs start moving. Bye-bye sleep.

You toss, you turn, you get up and walk around, you get up and read until you fall asleep in the chair and jerk awake from the sensations in your legs.

I have suffered from RLS for over a year now. My poor husband has also lost sleep due to my restlessness.

I am so happy to say that I have found a cure for me. I take a vitamin supplement to make sure that I have enough of the B's. That alone did not help that much.

I am a distributor for Amazon Herbs. I have a bottle of Calmazon. I have used it previously during the day when life and children get very stressful. You still retain your ability to function but lose the desire to kill someone.

Out of desperation and not really believing it would help that much, I took one Calmazon about 1/2 hour before bed time. Praise God, I went to sleep and slept all night.

Now that has become my nightly ritual - one Calmazon and not a single twitch.

Check out the Amazon Herb site and try a bottle of Calmazon. It just may do the trick for you. Sharon's Amazon Herb Source

I have included a link to Real Age for a quick look at their latest finding on RLS.

Restless Legs Syndrome � RealAge Health Information


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