Wednesday, June 22, 2005

High Blood Pressure

I went to the doctor for an ingrown toe nail. I ended up with a lecture on my blood pressure in the 160's. No treatment for the toe nail just the suggestion that I wear sandals.

It has been 10 days since I went to the doctor. I had to take my pressure 4 times a day and I had no intention of driving 20 miles 4 times a day so I bought a small electric monitor.

I stopped taking the fiber pill I had been using for the last 6 months. It contained licorice and I know better. Licorice can raise blood pressure if taken for more than 6 weeks at a time. I also added Magnesium, CoQ10, and Lecithin to my supplements.

Good news - today my pressure is 123/81. Now it is higher when I get up in the morning, but that 123 reading was after moving a big heavy couch from one room to another.

It will be interesting to see the doctor this Friday. One of the things we will discuss is the test results of the 6 vials of blood they drew that day. One test will be on my thyroid - thyroid malfunction can affect blood pressure and weight.

I did an article on high blood pressure in my newsletter - check it out.


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