Monday, June 13, 2005

Why is the richest nation suffering from Malnutrition?

How can I say that? Here in the US we have the best food, the best doctors, the best medicines, the richest insurance companies. Whoops, guess that insurance company thing is not part of it.

Why then do we also have the highest rate of obesity and heart disease? Why do we spend millions of dollars every year to "treat" our ailments?

We could stop disease with a good preventive program. Why is it for most of us, we would rather live the "so called good life", get sick and then pay a fortune to try and get well. We are as a nation mal-nurished. We have good healthy food available and choose not to eat it.

Is it really so hard to add a 1/2 cup of berries to your daily food intake? Is it really so hard to work in a 1 mile walk once a day? Are we really slaves to glutton? Do we have to eat every meal as though it were the first food in days and probably the last meal for a few more days?

Wake up! Missing a TV show is not the end of the world, but missing your children or grand children growing up ------

I was in WalMart yesterday. I saw a young woman and her two children. She was obese, her 15 month old was obese - he could hardly fit in the child seat of the shopping cart. Her 2 week old baby was beautiful. Momma controls what she puts in her own mouth. She controls what she gives that 15 month old to eat. How long before that beautiful baby is the same size as her sibling?

Perhaps we ought to address child abuse in more areas. Surely setting a child up for obesity and early death qualifies as child abuse.

As my children grew to maturity they had good diets. Their choices once they were grown were their own. The fat side of those choices is also their problem.

Passing on some information I recently received. Researchers examined 206 children under the age of 3 diagnosed with autism. They found that the autistic children had a higher number of ear infections than other children and received an average of 12 courses of antibiotics. The warning is that Augmentin, the most widely prescribed antibiotic for children, may contribute to the autism. Large amounts of urea/ammonia are used in the manufacturing of Augmentin and ammonia has been shown to injure the intestines, brain and nervous tissue of small children. Another reason to avoid antibiotics if possible.

Hopefully you have a good pediatrician like the one we have for my grand children. The man will not give antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. The little 18 month old has had one treatment.


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