Thursday, June 30, 2005

Update on High Blood Pressure

Most disappointing - I just discovered that the last couple of weeks my postings are not posting. Not sure why.

Anyway - Blood pressure is still in the 140 range. Follow up appointment was a real trip. I did not see a doctor, I got to see the Nurse Practioner. I did not get any of the results of my blood tests except the print out which I am not qualified to interpret.

I did get some interesting information on blood pressure monitors. The monitors at the base hospital are all set to go to 180 before they release and count Systolic and Diastolic pressure. Who cares you ask? Well, your blood pressure reading will be different depending on how high the monitor is set to go and how tight the cuff is attached to your arm.

One thing I found very funny during my visit. I had to fill out information on a sheet of paper and then duplicate that information in a computer. The clerk would ask the questions and I would answer and she would type it in.

One section - Have you been depressed at any time in the last 3 months?
Have you forgotten anything in the last 3 months?
I knew where this was going but I said yes. Then the clerk asked me if I would like a psychiatric consult. I just changed my answers. I was laughing but the clerk was not happy at all. I asked the clerk is she was every depressed or forgot something.
No sense of humor.

The NP's reaction on the blood pressure - take a water pill to reduce water retention and that should bring it down.

Posted a new article on the web site about Diet Confusion. Check it out at

the articles page at Answers For Your Health

Keep smiling.


Blogger bigdreamlife said...

Like your blog. Just added you to my blogroll.

5:20 PM  

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