Saturday, April 30, 2005

Indecision is a disease

Like a pebble in your shoe your mind keeps bringing up another “thing” that needs attention. It is the moments before you start a task that are the indecision times.

One way to conquer indecision is by making a list. I personally have a list with over 20 items on it. There is no way I can accomplish all 20 items in a day or a week. But I can do some of them. I love drawing that line thru a completed task.

Do you have a list of things that need to be done? Do you have a list or is all the information sitting in your brain, each item nudging each other for space and attention.

Did you make a list and then ignore it in favor of doing the more familiar things or something that jumped up and demanded attention now.

There is an old saying – I could become a better person any day I choose, but what day shall I choose.

Like every disease, indecision can be cured by discovering the cause.

Also, like every disease, we find comfort in treating the symptoms. Just like taking a pill for a headache is treating the symptom and brings temporary relief, that pill does not address the cause which may be a need for glasses or better reading light or more sleep or less alcohol and certainly less stress.

I believe that indecision is caused by feeling overwhelmed by all the things that need attention. Throw in a little guilt for not having already taken care of those issues and a little self-pity for never having time to just do nothing. Now add the stress of losing out on the good things in life because small tasks were not done. Put in a few tablespoons of fear about your own abilities and a cup of criticism from the people around you and your indecision crock pot is cooking.

Making a to-do-list is a fine way to treat the symptom.

My list is always there on my desk competing for attention with all the daily interruptions. Wait, if all the daily interruptions are always there and always from the same source then those things are part of my day and are not interruptions. Interruptions are unexpected happenings.

A good friend told me I needed to get a set of blinders. Blinders were strapped to a horse’s head to keep him from being distracted by what was going on around him.

I planned to work on this article. I got up early, as is my custom, and went to the kitchen to make coffee. The counter was littered with dishes that the members of my family left last night. They were too busy? tired? lazy? to empty the dishwasher and put in their dirty dishes and glasses. (Note – add to list of things to do – create a sense of importance in family to help keep kitchen neat.)

Blinders – I ignore the dirty kitchen and make my coffee. I sit down at my computer and start to type. I get up for a second cup of coffee and the kitchen screams at me. (guilt – I am a stay at home mom – it is my responsibility to keep the house neat and clean) I know it will only take me 10 minutes to clean it up. Blinders back in place. If I stop working on this article to clean the kitchen, chances are I will not finish the article and get it posted. Others in the house will wake up and start the daily demands on my time and attention.

My mind is whirling with the things that should be done today and none of those things are on my list.

Blinders back in place. Indecision stills lives and reigns in my mind but I have overcome that indecision at least for now. Perhaps today is the day I shall become the better person I know I can be.

Clean the distracting pebbles from your shoes. Just stop a moment and clean out the shoes then put them back on and continue to your destination.

Have a great day and smile.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Could a virus cause obesity?

Now even if the answer to this question is yes -- the "cure" is still correct diet and positive exercise.

Try to get your mind around the word diet - diet does not mean giving up or doing without - it means
a consistent eating program. A good diet is mostly fruits and vegetables, whole grains and just a little bit
of meat and sugar.

You are already on a diet. That diet is what you consume every day.

You already exercise just by getting out of bed and going to the bathroom. Just as you need
to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, you need to add a little more exercise to your
routine. Just walk a few more steps each day, just bend over or reach up. | Could a virus cause obesity?: "

Could a virus cause obesity?
Experts at research center here focus on proving such a link"

Monday, April 18, 2005

Powdered Green Food Drinks

Expensive Powder vs Natural Foods

I get dozens of paper newsletters on health. Some I pay for and some I don't. As you can image, the ones I don't pay for are just glorified ads.

Just now reading one with a green food ad. Now the major objection most people have with a green food powder you mix with water or juice is that no matter what you mix it with - it just tastes awful. This ad says their product tastes good and they even have 3 testimonials that say it tastes good.

Taking this product would

  1. Shed body fat
  2. Increase strength and stamina
  3. Prevent or recover from illness
  4. Regain maximum energy
  5. Look and feel younger
  6. Lower Cholestrol
  7. Reflief from heartburn
  8. Reverse effects of aging
  9. Eliminate aches and pains

Shoot, I want this product. It sounds like the silver bullet I have been looking for. It has 37 ingredients and only costs $49.95 plus $6.95 for shipping for each 30 day canister.

On the other hand, Fear Factor should use a green drink as one of its challenges. I have tried and just can't drink the stuff. And contrary to all the promises, I have yet to get any money back.

OK, lets look at those 37 ingredients.

Cracked cell chlorilla, organic barley grass juice powder, spirulina powder, nova scotta dulse, cacus powder, lecithin powder, apple pectin, apple fiber, red raspberry, powder, acerola berry juice powder, flax seed meal, aloe vera juice powder, beet juice powder, watercress juice powder, yucca powder, parsley juice powder, ginger powder, spinach powder, vitamin c, rose hips, bioflavanoids, vitamin e, royal jelly, licorice root powder, horsetail, suma, siberian ginsing, damiana, silymarin, astragalus membranaceous, echinacia, gingo biloba, green tea catechins, grapeseed extract, stevia, enzymes, carrot calcium.

Wow - that is a lot of good stuff.

Do you like instant mashed potatoes? A lot of people say they can't tell the difference. Most people would agree that the instant (dried potatoe powder) just doesn't have the nutrients that a real potatoe has.

Apples are important to health - so eat an apple not apple powder. Why powdered red raspberries - why not fresh blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and yes raspberries?

My training tells me that licorice root in any form should not be taken for more than 6 weeks at a time. It has a tendency to raise blood pressure. Stop taking it for 30 days and then go back.

Get your green tea catechins by drinking green tea.

As we age our bodies slow down on the production of enzymes. Most people benefit from taking a supplement and if you have had your gall baldder removed they are absolutely necessary.

A good vitamin/herbal combination vitamin will give you most of what is on that list.

Personally, I will stick with my Aquazon from Amazon Herbs. I get a high quality product for $21.00 a bottle. Green drink in a capsule.

Yes the green food drink sounds like the silver bullet. It is easy.

Lets face it - the silver bullet is just proper eating habits. Too much of anything and we throw the pH balance off and we get fat and sick. You can have your cake and eat it too. You can have your meat. All you need to do is learn about acidic and alkaline. Meat is acidic - balance it with 2 serving of vegetables and 1 fruit. Cake is sugar and sugar is acidic. Balance it with a lovely salad including some fresh raw vegetables like carrots and green bell pepper.

By the way, did you know that sugar causes the body to rob calcium from the Nerves first then bones. Now you know why the kids bounce off the walls when they have candy and cokes.

Now the ad for the silver bullet tonic for liver and kidney health, yep I want that one too. Tell you about that next time.

Here is a smile for you. Please pass it on to the next person you see.


Thursday, April 14, 2005

Dreams and Reality

If you would settle on what your priorities are it would make a big difference in your life.

Consider all that you do and all that you feel you need to do and don’t and all that you want to do and don’t. I’m willing to bet that those 3 lists would be different.

How much of the driving force in what you do is from the opinions and desires of other?

How often do you hear your great-great grandmother’s voice coming down thru the generations telling you right and wrong?

You must remember that this voice is distorted by the filters of your great grandmother, your grandmother and your mother who each in her own way rebelled against the rules of her mother.

You may have seen the question – If you knew that you could not fail what would you do? What would you stop putting off?

What if I said you would have a few setbacks and unexpected delays but you would still succeed? Would you still start?

What if I said there would be distractions to tempt you to other paths? What if I said you would have to make a few sacrifices? What if I said you would enjoy 90% of your days but you would cry for 10%?

It is all true you know. This promise was made to you before you were born. You simply forgot the promise as you learned the language of human beings and forgot the language of God. You forgot how to listen with your mind instead of your ears.

Mom and Dad and siblings and friends and teachers and all the other well-meaning people in your life told you – No, Don’t, Can’t, You will get hurt, You will fall. They told you - you could not be good at everything and so denied you the right to try.

When you dream, (day dream, sleep dream or nightmare) do you dream in words or images? You use words to try to describe your dreams and realize the words fall short. Your dream images are so full of emotions.

Very small children dream even before they have language skills. Images have no language barrier. A tree is a tree in any language.

Perhaps dreams are the language of God. Dreams can make every day confusion become clear. Dreams can warn or guide.

Day dreaming shows the heart’s desires. We picture the house that would be perfect or the vacation that would be a dream come true. We day dream about a world that has no unpaid bills or unfulfilling jobs. We dream of perfect health without effort and a magic pill that would cure any illness.

I believe that when you were born, you knew the purpose of your life and all the wonderful things you would do. All from images God had put in your subconscious. I think that is why you dream in images -- because that is your native language.

It doesn’t matter where you are in your life. You can start to bring some of those dreams into “reality”. I am not advocating that you jump ship and run away from all your obligations. I am saying you can work your dreams into your life if that is what you really want – it is all priorities.

When I was a little girl I wanted a piano. Our family could not afford such an extravagance. I was angry because my older brother always got the instrument he wanted (trumpet, accordion, guitar). I had no concept of money. To make matters worse, my mother told me my brother had natural talent and I had none.

I determined that when I was older I would get my own piano. Many years passed and I “forgot” that desire. Then thru a series of circumstances I received a piano – not new, not in tune, and certainly not pretty. I could not afford piano lessons and certainly did not have any natural talent. Still every day on my lunch hour I practiced. I bought books on teaching yourself piano.

My proudest day was when I played the “Moonlight Sonata”. I was pregnant when I was learning this piece. Years later my daughter sat down at the piano and played several measures of the “Moonlight Sonata” and thought she was writing a song she had made up. All those months of hearing me play while she was in the womb had given her a memory.

I still have that piano and it is once again not in tune. It is even more beat up now after years of children and moves to new homes. Both of my daughters play (not well) and I expect that my grand daughters will also learn. Those that choose to practice will play well.

I still look at that piano and remember the beautiful warm woman who gave it to me. She gave me the first step in fulfilling a dream. I had to decide if it was still a priority and how I would find the time to learn. I had to give up lunch in order to practice. Sometimes I cried from the frustration of trying to remember each note and chord. (I used the button method - 10 buttons in a bowl. Each time you play it right, you take out one button. Make a mistake and all the buttons go back in the bowl.)

I don’t play much these days. Having 2 small children that bang on the end of the piano keyboard makes it a bit difficult. When they are a little older I will teach them. In the mean time – I can still see the image of the music and how my fingers sit on the keys – it is all in my mind.

Until next time - keep the dreams alive.


Monday, April 11, 2005

Newsletter Answers For Your Health Vol III #8

The Answers For Your Health Newsletter is on line at

I was going to publish the newsletter on the blog, but ran into many problems so
will just leave things as they are.

I don't like blogs that just give you a link somewhere else, so I am putting
in the Quick Tips section of the newsletter.

Also if you would like to see a picture of my beautiful 3year old granddaughter
just click here. Jordan

Quick Tips

Brought to you by Diabetes Cookbook Software

Used topically, aloe vera has excellent soothing, healing and moisturizing properties. It helps to slough off dead skin cells. You can apply aloe vera gel on dry areas as directed on the product lable or grown you own and use the fresh gel.

Aloe vera is easy to grow and almost impossible to kill. I grow it outside and inside and always have a ready fresh source for healing dry, irritated or injured skin.

Using a sharp knife carefully slice down the side of the leaf. Don't cut yourself. Open the leaf flat and scrape out the gel.

I have found that most commercial aloe vera gel products contain lots of other stuff as preservatives.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

In Defense of Virginity

key words "sexually transmitted diseases"

I received this in my email today. I felt it was information that needed to be shared. I may not agree with everything that is written but I do defend your right to decide for yourself.



The Federal Government has spent billions of our taxes since 1970 to promote contraceptives and “safe sex” among our teenagers. Isn’t it time we asked, What have we gotten for our money?

These are the facts:

The Federal Center for Disease Control estimate that there are now over 1 million known cases of HIV infections nationwide.

1 in 100 students coming to the University of Texas health center now carries the deadly HIV virus.

The rate of heterosexual HIV transmission has increased steadily since Sept. 1989.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) infect approximately 3 million teenagers annually.

63% of all STD cases occur among persons less than 25 years of age.

1 million new cases of pelvic inflammatory disease occur annually.

1.3 million new cases of gonorrhea occur annually, strains of gonorrhea have developed that are resistant to penicillin.

Syphilis is at a 40 year high, with 134,000 new infections per year.

500,000 new cases of herpes occur annually, it is estimated that 16.4% of the U.S. population ages 15-74 is infected, totaling more than 25 million Americans - among certain age groups the infection rate is as high as 60%.

4 million cases of chlamydeous occur annually, 10-30% of 15-19 year olds are infected.

There are now 24 million cases of human, papilloma virus (HPV), with a higher prevalence among teens.

To date (1990), there are over 20 different and dangerous sexually transmitted diseases that are rampant among the young. Add to that the problems associated with promiscuous behavior: infertility, abortion and infected newborns. The cost of this epidemic is staggering both in human suffering and in expense to society: yet epidemiologist tell us we’ve only seen the beginning.

Incredibly, the safe-sex gurus and condom promoters who got us into this mess are still determining our policy regarding adolescent sexuality. Their ideas have failed, and it is time to rethink their bankrupt policies.

please read the rest of the article at Answers For Your

Monday, April 04, 2005

Help during Treatment of Throat Cancer

keywords throat cancer,herbs

One of my subscribers to the newsletter asked for suggestions to help during treatment of throat cancer. I thought I would share with others who might be interested.

Just some general guidelines. Your friend should try to get as much good protein as possible to help the immune system which will be damaged by the chemo. Cat's Claw is an excellent herb to help repair the immune system.

Your friend should avoid caffeine and sugar. Drinking lots of distilled water is a must. Try a teaspoon of honey in the glass of water. The honey is a natural antibiotic and will be soothing to the throat. I would avoid milk because it coats the throat and just make it feel hot.

Avoid any supplement that has iron as the iron will feed the cancer cells. The body will try to with hold the iron from the cells as much as possible.

Your friend needs to talk with his/her physician about taking herbal supplements. Depending on the therapy they could be counter productive. Garlic is a very beneficial herb but is a potential blood thinner so the doctor needs to know about garlic supplements.

I have been reading about Whey - it is a substance that contains a high level of protein. It does not taste good so there may be a problem getting your friend to take it. You should be able to find whey powder as your local health food store. If you can't, I can give you an on line source.

Sipping herbal teas should sooth the throat. Sweeten with honey. Use dandelion, red clover, pau d'arco or green teas.

Add Maitake mushrooms - capsules available at the health food store. This contains substances that inhibit the grown of tumors and helps with the stress of the disease and the stress of the treatment.

Try EFT - This is a program that reinforces the positive attitude which helps in any disease.

This is the link for the store but look around the site for valuable free information and the basic techniques.

Hope this helps your friend.