Thursday, September 06, 2007

Antioxidants, Smoking and Alzheimer's

The driving force behind natural medicine or alternative medicine is the important key that every individual part of the body flows together in the whole body. If you stub your toe, it has an effect on the entire body. Minimal perhaps but none the less there it is. If you cut your finger -- same thing.

Modern mainstream medicine looks only at the toe or the finger. Your doctor will give you an antibiotic to kill germs, put on a band aid and call it good.

Meanwhile, the whole body has ramped up to kill any infection in the finger and heal the wound from the inside out --- not the outside in.

I found this article on smoking that indicates cigarettes contribute to Alzheimer's. However, I copied this excerpt from the article which I think points to the real cause. I am not saying that smoking is a good thing - far from it. However I do think that we should look a little deeper.

She continued, "Another mechanism could be through oxidative stress, which can damage cells in the blood vessels and lead to hardening of the arteries. Smokers experience greater oxidative stress than nonsmokers, and increased oxidative stress is also seen in Alzheimer's disease."

Oxidative stress occurs when a person's body has too many waste products, also known as radicals, produced by chemical reactions,.

Dr. Breteler said that "antioxidants in the diet can eliminate free radicals, and studies have shown that smokers have fewer antioxidants in their diets than nonsmokers."
Alzheimer's is on the rise just like diabetes. Why-- why not-- pollution, bad diet, lack of exercise all contribute. I am happy for the researchers that have identified the gene that indicates a greater chance of getting Alzheimer's. However, the average person certainly does not have the funds to get tested for this gene and if he did - so what. If everyone of your ancestors died of cancer, what would you do? Would you spend your time thinking about getting cancer? Would you modify your diet to increase your health? Would you enjoy every day that you have?

At the end of the discussion, the final answer is the final answer -- we all die. It is the living that is important. And it is that daily living that contributes to how painfully we die - in most cases. Accidents do happen.

Most of us are too busy getting through the day to worry about dieing. Do you worry that the sun will come up in the morning, of course not. If you haven't yet stopped smoking, then do the next best thing - increase your intake of antioxidants. Modify your diet to give more support to your body and mind. Increase your exercise to increase the blood flow and encourage the release of toxins.

If you have stopped smoking or never started or never have been around anyone who does smoke, just in case you have that gene, get your antioxidant levels up as well.

Picked up this joke this morning.

Listening to a young Yuppie couple argue as they waited for their prescriptions at least helped me pass the time. When their meds were finally ready, they paid and walked away. The druggist stood there and shook his head.

I asked, "What's with them ?"

He sighed and replied, "They're incompatible. He's on Xanax and she's on Prozac....."
until next time smile
(c) Answers For Your Health

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