Sunday, January 21, 2007


Ran across this great book. I look at it as very funny reading. The full title is
The Hypochondriac's Pocket Guide to Horrible Diseases You Probably Already Have

Sadly there are really people who think they have every disease they read about. In movies and TV they are always given the comedy part and we laugh.

My self appointed job is to do research on health problems. I am looking for ways to get and stay healthy. So I read a lot of sad stories and a lot of hype. I see the miracle pill will cure anything sites and the doctor written nothing can cure you sites.

I must always spend some time each day re-affirming my own health. I could easily get sucked into one or another disease. Symptoms are so similar in so many diseases that you can imagine yourself having just about anything.

My oldest daughter for years wondered if she had a brain tumor every time she got a headache. Thank God, she has stopped that. According to the Law of Attraction, she was only bringing doom to herself.

I think a big part of being healthy is wanting to be healthy and talking as though you are healthy. It can be tempting to share your own aches and pains with the people you are talking with when they come out with their list of awful trials. Resist that temptation as you resist the excess sugar. Confirm your good health as you move your body in any form of exercise.

Take your supplement not to avoid a condition but rather to ensure your own good health. Say it out loud. I am taking this vitamin and mineral supplement to give my body what it needs to function at a peak level.

There are some who would say you should not read a book like this as your brain will accept it as a truth (the brain does not know the difference). I say read it and laugh. You can challenge anything you read or see. If everyone around you has a cold and you feel fine then just re-affirm that you feel fine and are very thankful for your own good health.

Just a side note -- if you put off buying those hand weights to restore your arms to their youthful appearance, not a problem. Just head for the cupboard and pick up two cans of vegetables of the same size and weight. That is one inexpensive way to see if you will do a routine on a regular basis. Remember, in your weight training, don't stress the same muscles every day, give them a chance to recover and burn away fat as fuel for that recovery.

until next time smile
(c) Answers For Your



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want that book! I will post it to the big health list, tell people
about your blog while I am at it.
Big hug, thanks for the smile.

9:40 PM  

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