Monday, January 29, 2007

Ease Arthritis Pain by Changing Your Diet

Did you know that certain foods are actually inflammatory? That means they contribute to Arthritis pain. Simply avoiding those foods can greatly improve motion and comfort.

Best choice of anti-inflammatory foods are cherries and berries. Expensive in the winter months but that is also the time when the cold seems to make all the joints hurt just a little more. If you don't eat very much fish (omega-3s) which is also anti-inflammatory then add some fish oil or flaxseed oil or krill oil to get the needed relief.

I was reading the other day and found some data on nightshade produce. These would include white potatoes, tomatoes and eggplant. If you include these in your diet, you might try eliminating them for a month or more to see if you see some relief. For some unknown reason the nightshade family can increase arthritis discomfort. For a complete list of nightshade foods, you can check out and enter nightshade in the search box.

I was talking with a lady the other night who complained about her thumb having arthritis. She said she could no longer use it. I suggested she try adding Tumeric to her supplements and she said she didn't believe in that stuff. Her doctor had told her to just accept she had arthritis.

Her groceries included a bag of white potatoes, TV dinners, soda and cake. No fruits or raw vegetables.

I also want to point out that using that aching joint is helpful. I know it is tempting to just not move, but that is not an option. Be gentle but firm with your body. You must move.


Came across this interesting tidbit about setting off alarms at airports and other security sites. Seems that if you are receiving any radioactive treatments, you look like a bomb.

MIAMI: When 75,000 football fans pack into Dolphin Stadium in Miami for the Super Bowl on February 4, at least a few may want to carry notes from their doctors explaining why they're radioactive enough to set off "dirty bomb" alarms.


At my house, everyone has a cold or is suffering from Cedar Fever. In San Antonio cedar fever season affects about half the population. Fever, chills, sneezing, congestion, aches and grumpiness. Same symptoms as a cold or flu.

Most people just continue about their business so you don't know if they are coughing and sneezing allergy or cold germs at you. I had hoped that all the cold and freezing weather we have had would help the cedar fever but not so. And on top of that, just a little way away from us we have a huge compost heap burning. It has been burning for over a month and they just don't seem to be able to find a way to put it out. They had been putting water on it, but that turned out to be contaminating the ground water source. I love the term compost heap, -- it is a garbage dump.

Well, I am off to make me another cup of green tea with Echinacea. For more information on Arthritis see Answers For Your Help

until next time smile
(c) Answers For Your Health



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